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There are three different types of eligibility, Early Start, Provisional and Lanterman. The Early Start program is for infants and toddlers, birth to 36 months. Provisional eligibility is for children ages birth to age 5. To be eligible under Lanterman, a person must have a developmental disability that begins before the person’s 18th birthday…
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All people have the right to work at jobs that pay minimum wage or more, provide opportunities for raises and advancement, and have people with and without disabilities working together. This is called Competitive Integrated Employment or CIE. TCRC and our community workforce partners can support people to obtain CIE through full or part time employment, self employment, or contract jobs and skilled work. Community and TCRC funded employment services can be authorized through the planning team process for individuals who choose to work.Employment resources for persons served
Self Determination was developed as a voluntary alternative to the traditional way of providing regional center services and is intended to offer people more freedom and control over how their services are provided and more freedom and control in who supports them. Self Determination is having a choice in all areas of your life including where you want to live, how you will spend your time each day and who you will spend your time with. It’s about having hopes and dreams for the future and developing goals to go after them. It’s about being in control, making your own decisions, spending money your way.What is self determination?
Would you like to learn more about Person Centered Practices? We reserve seats in every Intro to PCT (Person Centered Thinking) training for individuals served by TCRC and their families and caregivers. Find an upcoming PCT training in your area. Consider joining the California Gathering for Person Centered Practices for a more immersive PCT experience. For Service Providers, are your staff fully trained in Person Centered Practices? Have them join one of our ongoing PCT training or Communities of Practice sessions.Join upcoming training
TCRC Orientation
Learn what to expect and how to engage with us to ensure that you receive the services and supports needed to reach your goals! Understanding eligibility and the intake process is important, as well as how our family meetings work and how to connect with your Service Coordinator. Informational POS meetings are held in each county every year – a great way to get questions answered directly by our Leadership team. Learn more about our commitment to Person Centered Practices and Cultural Competency. We also develop a Strategic Performance Plan and implement strategic objectives. We want you to be happy with your services and supports. If you are not happy, we need to know about it. Also learn about your rights and the complaints process.Engage with TCRC
There are three different types of eligibility, Early Start, Provisional and Lanterman. The Early Start program is for infants and toddlers, birth to 36 months. Provisional eligibility is for children ages birth to age 5. To be eligible under Lanterman, a person must have a developmental disability that begins before the person’s 18th birthday…
In our Service Provider Directory, you can search by the following:
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All people have the right to work at jobs that pay minimum wage or more, provide opportunities for raises and advancement, and have people with and without disabilities working together. This is called Competitive Integrated Employment or CIE. TCRC and our community workforce partners can support people to obtain CIE through full or part time employment, self employment, or contract jobs and skilled work. Community and TCRC funded employment services can be authorized through the planning team process for individuals who choose to work.Employment resources for persons served
Self Determination was developed as a voluntary alternative to the traditional way of providing regional center services and is intended to offer people more freedom and control over how their services are provided and more freedom and control in who supports them. Self Determination is having a choice in all areas of your life including where you want to live, how you will spend your time each day and who you will spend your time with. It’s about having hopes and dreams for the future and developing goals to go after them. It’s about being in control, making your own decisions, spending money your way.What is self determination?
Would you like to learn more about Person Centered Practices? We reserve seats in every Intro to PCT (Person Centered Thinking) training for individuals served by TCRC and their families and caregivers. Find an upcoming PCT training in your area. Consider joining the California Gathering for Person Centered Practices for a more immersive PCT experience. For Service Providers, are your staff fully trained in Person Centered Practices? Have them join one of our ongoing PCT training or Communities of Practice sessions.Join upcoming training
TCRC Orientation
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Quick links to billing, SIR and other resources. View your entries in our Service Provider Directory – are they up-to-date? Check RFPs to find out what new opportunities are on the horizon.Find information for service providers
Find our COVID-19 Checklist for providers to assist them in taking all of the necessary steps to report the incident, and to help protect the health and safety of individuals and employees. Also find additional ways to report SIRs.File a Special Incident Report (SIR)
We open RFPs several times a year depending upon need. Join our email notification list to get alerts when RFP is open and what new opportunities may be on the horizon.RFP (Request For Proposal)
We offer Service Provider Orientation twice a year in Spring and Fall. This orientation provides an overview of requirements applicable to residential and non-residential services and guidelines for an effective program design. This orientation is required for all residential providers and optional for non-residential providers. Find out what you need to learn to provide the best services and supports for the people we serve.Join an upcoming Service Provider Orientation
Would you like to learn more about Person Centered Practices? We reserve seats in every Intro to PCT (Person Centered Thinking) training for individuals served by TCRC and their families and caregivers. Find an upcoming PCT training in your area. Consider joining the California Gathering for Person Centered Practices for a more immersive PCT experience. For Service Providers, are your staff fully trained in Person Centered Practices? Have them join one of our ongoing PCT training or Communities of Practice sessions.Join upcoming training