
Self-Determination was developed as a voluntary alternative to the traditional way of providing regional center services and is intended to offer people more freedom and control over how their services are provided and more freedom and control in who supports them. Self-Determination is having a choice in all areas of your life including where you want to live, how you will spend your time each day and who you will spend your time with. It’s about having hopes and dreams for the future and developing goals to go after them. It’s about being in control, making your own decisions, spending money your way.

People may choose to remain living with their families after becoming adults. They may also wish to live independently from family in their own home or in a licensed residential home. If the young adult chooses to live in his or her own apartment, an application for subsidized housing may be appropriate. There is a long waiting list for Section 8 and other subsidized housing options, so an application should be made well in advance. If you are considering a residential facility, your Service Coordinator can help arrange visits to licensed residential homes in your community. The goal for all residential services is to maintain the highest level of independence possible while offering the person a safe place to live.

Register for TCRC’s Self-Determination Orientation

Self-Determination Advisory Committee

Self-Determination Resources on the DDS Site

Self-Determination Resources for Person Centered Thinking and Planning

Independent Facilitators and Person Centered Planners for Self-Determination

Self-Determination Videos

State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD)

Your Clients’ Rights Advocate

Self-Determination Advisory Committee Minutes

Self-Determination Advisory Committee Agendas

Learning Center for Self-Determination

Statewide Self-Determination Orientation

NeuroNav Helps You Get Started with Self-Determination

5 Principles of Self-Determination

How is the Self-Determination Program different than the traditional program?

Self-Determination Program Eligibility

How will the IPP process be different under SD?

Video Overview of PCT and One Page Profiles

How are budgets determined in Self-Determination?

What services are included in Self-Determination?

What is a Fiscal Management Service (FMS)?

FMS Providers vendored with TCRC

Office of the Ombudsperson for Self-Determination

La autodeterminación está por llegar

¿Qué es el Programa de Autodeterminación?

What is Self-Determination?