Transition to Adult Services
There are many options to consider and choices to make for youth entering their final years of high school and preparing for adulthood. School services will be ending and transitions to new living and work environments will develop. The Service Coordinator will have information about available and appropriate local resources, services, and can assist with questions about potential benefits or new responsibilities. Various options may be confusing. TCRC Service Coordinators are trained to facilitate decisions that provide the life envisioned by the person served.
You can use the information here to see what’s available, then speak to your Service Coordinator to get started.
Distance Learning Resources for Parents, Students, and Educators
Links to distance learning and other resources.
Service Descriptions
General descriptions of services provided by regional centers.
Planning for Adulthood: Transition Checklists
Checklists prepare for adult rights, responsibilities and services
Transition Planning 14-18
Beginning Transition Planning, Age 14-18 Thinking about and planning for adulthood often begins informally, several years before a person turns 18. At age 14, the process becomes more formalized. By age 16, a young person’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) will...
Becoming an Adult 18-22
Becoming an Adult, Age 18-22 At age 18, young adults have different responsibilities and benefits that may be available to them. Issues to consider include public benefits, health care decisions, voter registration, selective service registration, living choices,...