Behavioral Services

Behavioral intervention services may be provided when an individual exhibits maladaptive, harmful, socially unacceptable, or developmentally unacceptable behaviors that constitute a danger or have a significant adverse effect on their participation in school or work, on family functioning, or on residential options.

Behavior intervention services are prescribed assessments or treatments provided directly by, or under the supervision of, a qualified licensed or certified professional trained in behavior management. Behavior intervention services use specialized methods of teaching important social and adaptive skills, and of training family members, or primary caregivers, in the effective use of positive behavior management skills.

Behavioral services are designed to achieve IPP goals and objectives, to teach new skills that will be effective, socially acceptable, and will reduce undesirable behavior. TCRC supports the well-documented position that an individual will learn, generalize, and retain new skills most effectively when family members incorporate systemic behavior intervention procedures into the rhythm and flow of their daily routine

Behavioral services provided through the regional center do not supplant those provided by a day program, a residential facility, or a generic agency such as a school district. Families should pursue private health insurance coverage and follow their insurance company’s process for accessing services. A letter of denial and/or proof of appeal from an insurance provider is required before TCRC funding can be approved. Medi-Cal also may provide behavioral services for individuals under age 21.