Autism Resources & Behavioral Services
Find information about Autism, along with resources and guides from other organizations as well as TCRC funded services and training for people with Autism and their families.
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Autism Research Institute
Highlights high quality, relevant online information, with regular webinars which are also archived.
Autism Information
Manuals, guides and resources
Autism Organizations and Websites
A selection of online resources
What is Autism?
Autism, defined
What Causes Autism?
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) expains
How is Autism Diagnosed?
In collaboration between parents, caregivers, doctors and teachers
How is Autism Treated?
Emphasizing social and communication skills
What Services Does TCRC Provide for those with Autism?
Talk with your Service Coordinator to craft an Individual Program Plan (IPP)
TCRC ABA CoPayments and CoInsurance
Download this pdf with a handy checklist
Behavioral Services
Learn more about behavioral intervention & support services, and learn how to make the most of these services through Behavioral Services Orientation.