Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE)
Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) is not a service, but rather it is the preferred outcome for all of our employment services. Service providers are receiving incentives for assisting individuals in securing employment.
This program was implemented by the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and is outlined in Chapter 14 (WIC 4870(d)) of the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act.
CIE (Competitive Integrated Employment) Incentive Payments
Competitive Integrative Employment
As of July 1, 2021, CIE Incentive Payments have been increased for individuals who are still engaged in CIE after certain time periods to:
- 30-days- $2,000 (subcode EMPP)
- 6 months-$2,500 (subcode EMP6)
- 12 months- $3,000 (subcode EMP12)
When establishing a Competitive Integrative Employment (CIE) site, please complete a CIE Request for Authorization and submit to the assigned Service Coordinator.
Supporting documentation (e.g. paycheck stub) is required for the release of authorized incentive payments. When an individual reaches an employment milestone, please complete the CIE Incentive Payment application found here https://airtable.com/shrBu3Z9O2BSb9Liq. Remember to upload a copy of the paycheck stub.