Are you concerned your Social Security Benefits or SSI may be affected by income from employment, your economic stimulus check, or unemployment insurance?

A presentation for parents and individuals served by the Tri-Counties Regional Center

July 15, 6:30 – 8:00pm  via Zoom

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Presented by: Jerri Ward, PABSS Advocate Disability Rights California,Joey Carrol, Tri-Counties Regional Center, & Tammey Woodard-Welch & Kathleen Kennemann, Department of Rehabilitation

  • Will work affect my benefits?
  • How can I protect my benefits while exploring work?
  • What wages do I have to report?
  • Who should report wages and how?
  • How do I report special conditions like job coaching?
  • How will Unemployment Insurance and Stimulus checks affect my benefits?
  • Where can I go for Work Incentives and Benefits Planning assistance?
  • How can the Department of Rehabilitation help?
  • When is the best time to apply to the Department of Rehabilitation?