
Coordination of Early Intervention Services – 8101



Tri-Counties Regional Center is committed to carrying out the mandated activities identified in the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act and the Early Intervention Services Act, in a manner that is respectful, timely, and focused on the child and family.

Tri-Counties Regional Center serves as the primary point of contact for coordinating services and assistance for the infant’s or toddler’s parents, service providers, Regional Center, and other public agencies.

Tri-Counties Regional Center provides early intervention coordination of services including, but not limited to, outreach and public information; intake and eligibility evaluation; information and referral; coordination of supports, services and programs; and, coordination of the transition prior to the child’s third birthday.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will conduct outreach and public information activities, including public awareness events, multi-media content, and brochures that address both the general community and specific target groups, such as non-English speaking populations and/or high risk or high incidence populations. These activities are designed to increase public awareness and lead to new referrals for Tri-Counties Regional Center’s early intervention program services.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will provide intake and evaluation to determine eligibility for regional center early intervention (Part C) program. Evaluation for eligibility determination will be based on informed clinical opinion and include (a) review of medical and health records, (b) parental input, and (c) evaluation by qualified personnel of an infant’s or toddler’s current level of functioning.

The criteria for eligibility is a child below 36 months of age on the date of referral with: (1) a 25% delay in at least one developmental area; or (2) a child with an established risk condition likely to cause a delay in development, such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome or Trisomy 21/Down Syndrome; or (3) a combination of two or more conditions which have a high risk for a developmental delay such as poor APGAR scores at birth, prenatal exposure to drugs or alcohol, extensive health problems or long hospitalizations, experienced neglect or abuse.

Using a family-centered planning process, Tri-Counties Regional Center will coordinate early intervention supports, services and/or programs which provide education and training for parents or care givers of infants up to three (3) years of age in areas such as motor, social-emotional, adaptive, cognitive, receptive and expressive communication development and positioning. The service also provides parents or care givers with periodic re-assessment of the infant’s and family’s needs. The service will be provided under the direction and guidance of appropriate professionals.

Early intervention supports and services are intended to maximize an infant’s development within the existingfamily structure and will be provided in the child’s natural environment. Some eligible infants and/or toddlers may not require a regional center purchased intervention when a generic resource is available. Such generic resources may include the local education agency, the Medical Treatment Unit of the California Children’s Services, Medi-Cal, or private insurance or other third-party payers. It is the responsibility of the Planning Team to ensure that generic resources are used prior to Tri-Counties Regional Center authorization of public funds for the purchase of early intervention supports, services, and/or programs.

The specific supports and/or services recommended for an individual will be determined by a variety of factors. Services and supports are driven by the parents’ priorities and concerns and the needs of the infant or toddler. The family or care giver, as members of the Planning Team, may choose service options from the range of options deemed appropriate by their Planning Team.

Tri-Counties Regional Center recognizes that prompt provision of early intervention services can enhance child and family outcomes and will facilitate the delivery of services on the date identified on the Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP).

Because eligibility for participation in the Federal Part C early intervention program terminates at the age of 36 months, Tri-Counties Regional Center service coordinators will ensure the timely transition to any appropriate supports, services and/or programs prior to the child’s third birthday.


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