Tri-Counties Regional Center supports the hopes and preferred future(s) of persons with developmental disabilities towards maximum community inclusion and participation.
Tri-Counties Regional Center will provide independent living skills services to adults consistent with their Individual Program Plan. Independent Living Services shall provide functional skills training that enables the acquisition or maintenance of skills for people to live independently in their own homes or to achieve greater independence while living in the home of a parent, family member, or other person.
Independent living services may be used to teach or maintain a wide variety of skills such as money and household management, social/leisure skills, mobility training, use of community resources, accessing generic services, facilitating self-advocacy, parenting skills training, and the use of direct supports. Services are generally delivered in natural settings and/or in the actual settings where the needed skills will be used.
Requests for independent living supports and/or services are initiated by the Planning Team through the Individual Program Plan process. The Planning Team will use a person-centered planning process to identify needed supports and/or services. The decisions will also be based in part on an independent living skills assessment and will be documented on the Individual Program Plan.
Tri-Counties Regional Center may purchase Independent Living Skills supports and services if:
Tri-Counties Regional Center expects most individuals will utilize ongoing independent living supports for a maximum of twenty (20) hours per month. Individuals who require ongoing independent living supports in excess of twenty (20) hours per month may be assessed for the appropriateness of Supported Living Services.
Tri-Counties Regional Center will not authorize funding for the purchase of any independent living support or service that is considered experimental. The expected result from the provision of independent living services must lead to the achievement of the measurable outcomes defined in the service plan. The provision of independent living supports and /or services must be both clinically and fiscally an effective use of public funds.
Exception Policy:
Tri-Counties Regional Center recognizes that some individual needs are so unique that they may not be addressed in this Service Policy and may require an exception. Such requests for an exception to a Service Policy will be made through the Planning Team process. If the Planning Team concurs, they will forward recommendations regarding the request to the Executive Director, or designee. Exceptions to a Service Policy may be granted by the Tri-Counties Regional Center Executive Director, or designee.