
Certified or Licensed Living Arrangement Supports and Services – 11901



Tri-Counties Regional Center supports the hopes and preferred future(s) of persons with developmental disabilities towards maximum community inclusion and participation.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will work with children and their families to maintain minors in their family home. To the extent that it is the adult individual’s and/or the family’s preferred future, Tri-Counties Regional Center will work with them and their families to maintain adults in their family home. Tri-Counties Regional Center will work with persons served and their families to help them access the living arrangement services of their choice. Such arrangements shall be made through the services of a community care licensed facility, a certified family home provider, supported living or independent living services for adults, or licensed foster family home agencies and/or licensed residential services for children.

Tri-Counties Regional Center believes that people with developmental disabilities should be able to participate in family life and in the community where they live. Therefore, a high priority will be placed on supporting children living with their families and an equally high priority will be placed on adults living as independently as possible in their communities. In-home and out-of-home respite services will be made available to families to support parents and a child’s circle of support to continue to provide a living situation in the family home.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will promote and support a range of quality living arrangement supports and/or services for persons served. Tri-Counties Regional Center will empower individuals to advocate for themselves and will work with them, as well as with their family, to assure to the extent possible that they have choices in living arrangement supports and services. This range of choices will not be limited to traditional options. Tri-Counties Regional Center will create innovative and cost-effective living arrangement supports and/or services that are based on an individual’s preferences and needs.

In the provision of living arrangement supports and/or services, Tri-Counties Regional Center will respect the individual’s and family’s preferences and be sensitive to their cultural and ethnic values. Supports and/or services must be individualized and selections documented through the person centered Individual Program Plan process. Living arrangement supports and/or services include certified foster family home agencies and/or licensed residential services.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will use certified foster family home agencies and/or licensed residential services that maximize an individual’s growth, self-sufficiency and independence. These services will provide an atmosphere that respects the individual’s preferences, values, ethnic differences, and beliefs and will be located in neighborhoods so that persons served can independently access community resources. Tri-Counties Regional Center will assure that living arrangement services make provisions for access to health care services and for the overall physical and emotional well-being of individuals through appropriate staff training.

Integration as it applies to living arrangement services for individuals with developmental disabilities means that persons with developmental disabilities will be able to access the same community resources and participate in the same community activities as persons of similar age without disabilities. Frequent contact with non-disabled persons of a similar age will be routine. Integration also means that persons with developmental disabilities will be able to reside in home-like settings with persons who are not disabled and in proximity, and with easy access, to community resources.

The process of assisting an individual to move into a living arrangement setting which will address his or her individual needs and preferences and prepare him or her to live as independently as possible may be in response to a current living arrangement or a natural progression of lifestyle preference. A person’s living situation will be considered on an ongoing basis as part of the services provided to all persons served by Tri-Counties Regional Center.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will only place persons served into certified foster family homes or licensed residential programs suitable to meet their needs. Priority will be given to placing individuals within the Tri-Counties Regional Center catchment area, as near to the family home as available. If this is not feasible, every effort will be made to place the individual as close to his or her home community as possible.

Individuals who are eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) will use this income to pay for living arrangement services, or their Medi-Cal to pay for living arrangement services which are Medi-Cal funded. Parents of minors in residential programs will be assessed a sliding scale parental fee by the Department of Developmental Services.

The expected result from the provision of any living arrangement supports and/or services must lead to measurable outcomes as stated on the person’s Individual Program Plan. The provision of living arrangement supports and/or services must be both clinically and fiscally an effective use of public funds.

Exception Policy:
Tri-Counties Regional Center recognizes that some individual needs are so unique that they may not be addressed in this Service Policy and may require an exception. Such requests for an exception to a Service Policy will be made through the Planning Team process.

Clarification of Terms:
Licensed foster family home agencies are agencies that certify and monitor foster family homes into which they coordinate referrals of minors or adults with developmental disabilities, where they will be able to reside in home-like settings.

Licensed residential services include licensed residential programs/facilities that maximize an individual’s growth, self-sufficiency, and independence by providing supervision and training. These licensed residential services may be licensed by Community Care Licensing or by Public Health – Licensing and Certification. Tri-Counties Regional Center will promote family-like and integrated living arrangement services as an option for persons served.


  • 2013 08 09: DDS