
Monitoring Personal Outcomes – 12101



Tri-Counties Regional Center enhances the quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities through working collaboratively with persons with developmental disabilities and their families to create and develop opportunities that will assure plan development. As the involvement of individuals and their families is central to the person centered planning process, their involvement is also necessary in monitoring of progress achieved toward their desired outcomes.

To accomplish this, Tri-Counties Regional Center will ensure that provision of supports and services is centered on the person served and the family; takes into consideration the needs and preferences of the individual and, where appropriate, the family; and promotes community integration, independent, productive and normal lives and stable healthy environments.

The primary goals of Tri-Counties Regional Center are to assist persons served to experience satisfaction in services, to facilitate the achievement of outcomes for individuals that will enable greater independence and promote the achievement of their life goals. Tri-Counties Regional Center will seek to balance individual and family choice with program effectiveness and cost effectiveness, leading to changed lives.

At the time of any review of the Individual Program Plan, the Planning Team will gather information and conduct assessments necessary to determine the individual’s and family’s life goals, capabilities, strengths and preferences, as well as to identify any anticipated barriers or concerns about achieving their desired outcomes.

Supports and/or services authorized for purchase by Tri-Counties Regional Center on behalf of a person served or family member must be documented on the person’s Individual Program Plan. The Planning Team determines the duration, amount and review of the progress or effectiveness for all supports and/or services.

As part of this assessment, the Planning Team will collect progress reports from any individual or agency that has provided supports and/or services to the individual since the last review about their progress toward desired outcomes.

Tri-Counties Regional Center provides monitoring of outcomes through a variety of means and methods, including but not limited to:

  • Monitoring of individual and/or family satisfaction;
  • Monitoring of each person’s progress toward achieving the objectives on their Individual Program Plan;
  • Monitoring of each person’s progress as reported through regular progress reporting required from any provider of supports and/or services;
  • Annual review and monitoring with each person served, and where appropriate the person’s family, of their preferred future, whether continued or modified;
  • Site visits, or observations, etc. of any provider of supports and/or services;
  • Regularly scheduled program of quality assurance;
  • Participation in Life Quality Assessment (National Core Indicator) efforts;
  • Independent Annual Satisfaction Survey of a representative sample of persons served by TCRC.

No supports and/or services provided by any individual or agency will be authorized for continued funding unless the individual or, where appropriate, his or her legal guardian or conservator, is satisfied and there is agreement that the planned supports and/or services have been provided and that measurable progress toward desired outcomes as stated on the person’s Individual Program Plan has been made.

However, in some instances, the continuity of an authorized support and/or service is critical to the individual’s health and safety or to the achievement of a reasonable outcome as stated on the person’s Individual Program Plan. In such situations, the authorization for funding may be continued pending the receipt of the progress report and subsequent review by the Planning Team.


  • 2012 07 18: DDS