Tri-Counties Regional Center enhances the quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities by working with persons served and families to create and develop opportunities that will assure plan development. Tri-Counties Regional Center will develop service options that ensure that persons with developmental disabilities live fully and safely as active and independent members of their community.
Tri-Counties Regional Center will develop support and/or service options through a process that consists of assessing the need for specific types and levels of service arrangements; long and short-term planning for the development of such services within the catchment area; accessing funds which might be available for such purposes; and, implementing the plans which have been developed.
Tri-Counties Regional Center will develop support, service, and/or program options that:
Tri-Counties Regional Center recognizes that when a person with developmental disabilities chooses a living arrangement other than his or her family home, several considerations are of critical importance. These include:
Tri-Counties Regional Center will maintain the availability of a reasonable number of diverse types of living arrangements to serve a large variety of needs within our service area. Every possible effort will be made to avoid over-concentration of living arrangements in any given geographic area or neighborhood.
Tri-Counties Regional Center will continually review and reassess the status of its alternative living arrangement resources in relation to changing individual needs and preferences. Tri-Counties Regional Center will draft a detailed resource development plan based on this review, at least annually. Tri-Counties Regional Center will develop only those living arrangements that meet or exceed the high standards of quality considered essential for the support of people with developmental disabilities.
Tri-Counties Regional Center will explore and develop living opportunities including Supported Living Services, Adult residential homes and Independent Living arrangements in partnership with adults, their families, and the service provider of choice. Such housing will be located in typical residential neighborhoods with reasonable access to community resources offering opportunities for inclusion and participation with non-disabled citizens. Tri-Counties Regional Center may develop affordable, permanent housing options, in partnership with the Tri-Counties Community Housing Corporation (TCCHC), TCRC’s non-profit housing corporation service provider. This TCRC/TCCHC partnership will support collaboration with public housing agencies, federal and state housing entities, the Section 8 rental program, and other non-profit housing organizations to maximize the potential for housing options for persons served by TCRC. TCRC will also support individuals living in homes which are purchased by the adult or their family member.
Tri-Counties Regional Center believes that persons served will achieve their highest potential if they are able to maintain contact with their family after they move to any alternative living arrangement. Therefore, every effort will be made to place an individual as close to their home community as possible.
As new residential programs are developed, persons served by Tri-Counties Regional Center will be given placement priority. As vacancies occur in any Tri-Counties Regional Center area facility that has a waiting list, priority will be given to the person from the local area.
Day programs should provide individuals the opportunity to have a pattern of life similar to non-disabled persons by providing them with planned activities to do outside of their home environment for a portion of each day. Therefore, one vendor or organization should not provide residential services and operate a day program on the same site. A residential program should not use staff to operate both the residential program and the day program at another site.
Under exceptional circumstances some individuals, because of their unique needs, may need the residential and day program at one site. Tri-Counties Regional Center will require programs that provide both residential and day program components at one site to meet additional performance, staffing ratio, and staff experience requirements that are designed to ensure individualization and intensity of programming. Tri-Counties Regional Center will require additional review of this necessity prior to the development of this program arrangement.