Your Rights
There are many ways you can advocate for services that you need.
You have these rights:
- To talk to your Service Coordinator about your choice of service providers.
- To also talk about services and supports that are flexible and individually tailored to meet your needs.
- To request a fair hearing packet (request form and booklet) if you are dissatisfied with any service decision or action by the regional center.
- To choose a voluntary informal meeting and/or mediation for a problem or issue.
- To receive the same types and levels of supports and services when tranferring to a new regional center, if available, or develop a new IPP within 30 days.
- To use the fair hearing process to resolve conflicts with the organization providing you direct services, if needed.
- To file a complaint with the regional center Clients’ Rights Advocate if you believe your rights have been violated by the regional center or service provider.
Fair Hearing
If you disagree with a regional center decision about services or eligibility or other action, you may file for a fair hearing. Ask your service coordinator for a form and instructions. And, if you believe that the regional center has wrongly or unfairly denied your rights, you may file a complaint with the Clients’ Rights Advocate. This process resolves complaints other than disputes about eligibility or the nature, scope, or amount of services—which are resolved by filing for a fair hearing. In either case, you may contact TCRC’s Clients’ Rights Advocates:
Andrew Gonzalez, Clients’ Rights Advocate/Attorney
Gina Gheno, Assistant Clients’ Rights Advocate
Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy
201 N Calle Cesar Chavez Ste. 202 SB, CA 93103
Phone 805-308-8950 Fax 805-308-8949
Plus, find detailed information about complaints and fair hearings, including forms, at the Department of Developmental Services website, Consumer Rights Complaint Process.
TCRC protects your privacy. Learn about TCRC’s privacy practices here.