
Intake Process

Eligibility and Assessment

Any person believed to have a developmental disability, and any person believed to have a high risk of becoming the parent of a developmentally disabled infant, is eligible for initial intake and assessment services.

  • • In addition, any infant having a high risk of becoming developmentally disabled is eligible for initial intake and assessment services.
  • • “High-risk infant” refers to a child under 36 months of age whose genetic, medical or environmental history places the child at a greater risk for developmental disability than the general population.
  • • Assessment means evaluations and tests including, but not limited to, intelligence tests, adaptive functioning tests, neurological and neuropsychological tests, diagnostic tests performed by a physician, and psychiatric tests.

Purpose of the Assessment Process

  • • To find out whether a child or adult has a developmental disability.
  • • To tell the applicant and/or family about the services provided by the regional center and other agencies in the community that may be useful to persons with developmental disabilities or their families.
  • • To explain about the services available through the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) and Disability Rights California.

At the conclusion of the assessment process, eligibility for services is determined.  If the person is eligible for services through the Regional Center, then the planning team needs to develop a plan for service delivery.

What to Expect from the Regional Center

When an infant is referred to the Regional Center for services through the Early Start Program, a Service Coordinator will contact the family and complete an assessment. If the infant is eligible for services, an initial Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP) will be developed within 45 days.

When an individual age three or over is referred to TCRC, an Intake Service Coordinator will review any available developmental and medical information as well as available school records to determine potential eligibility. If indicated, the Intake Service Coordinator will coordinate additional evaluations by a clinical specialist or team to determine eligibility for TCRC services.  The eligibility process can take up to 120 working days to complete.

Rights of an applicant

  • • To assessments done by qualified individuals and performed in natural environments (i.e. home, school community) whenever possible.
  • • To an assessment process which is sensitive to personal lifestyles and the cultural background of the person and family.
  • • To be eligible for services from one regional center to another unless a comprehensive reassessment proves otherwise.