Our mission
TCRC provides person and family-centered supports for individuals with developmental disabilities to maximize opportunities and choices for living, working, learning, and recreating in the community.
How we work
We use person centered thinking principles in our work with persons served as well as in our relationships with colleagues and community partners. We live by our mission and vision, adhere to our Code of Ethics, exceed requirements of our performance contract with the State and implement our own Strategic Performance Plan.
Our stakeholders
Individuals with developmental disabilities, family members, employees, Board members, service providers, Association of Regional Centers Agencies (ARCA), Department of Developmental Services (DDS), the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, and other non-profit agencies and community partners.
What guides our work
The Lanterman Act is part of the Welfare and Institutions Code that regulates supports and services to the developmentally disabled. It states that individuals with developmental disabilities have a right to services and supports to help them live independent and productive lives.
Organizations affected by Lanterman
The Lanterman Act contains provisions for how the State Department of Developmental Services (DDS), which is part of the Health and Human Services Agency, is organized and how it functions. It also includes provisions that govern Developmental Centers (state hospitals), Regional Centers and State Council.
Our reach
We serve over 14,500 individuals with developmental disabilities. Over half of our staff are Service Coordinators (case workers).
Our funding
Our 2020-21 fiscal year budget totaled approximately $396.5 million. $39.9 million was allocated to Operations, $355.9 million for Purchase of Services, and $705 thousand for state funded grants and other programs. Over ninety-seven percent (97%) of our total funding is spent on direct services.That includes service coordination and clinical services funded under the Operations budget. The remaining 3% or less covers administration and indirect operations costs.
TCRC is funded and monitored by the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS), with governance by Tri-Counties Association for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc. (TCADD) Board of Directors. The regional center is guided by both a Performance Contract required by DDS and a Strategic Performance Plan approved by the TCADD Board of Directors.