
Primary Programming Services for School-age Children and Young Adults – 10901



Tri-Counties Regional Center will work to ensure that individuals with developmental disabilities will live life as full and active members of their community. Tri-Counties Regional Center believes that individuals with developmental disabilities have the right to access the same educational, vocational, social/recreational and employment opportunities available to non-disabled people of the same age in their communities.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will advocate on behalf of persons served to ensure that they receive full benefit from generic services. Tri-Counties Regional Center will provide a variety of supports necessary to enable its individuals to access all available generic services. Tri-Counties Regional Center will offer a range of community based service options that are not available from generic services to meet personal choices. The highest regard for the person’s cultural and ethnic heritage will be considered in the provision of primary program services.

The provision of primary program services is determined by the Planning Team through the Individual Program Plan process. The Planning Team establishes the goals and objectives reflected on the Individual Program Plan document. The team will consider individual and family preference when determining the choice of service options to meet objectives of the Individual Program Plan (IPP).

The educational setting and related services will be determined by the needs of the individual. Academic, vocational and related services will be provided in settings that offer opportunities to relate and develop friendships with peers of similar ages. Tri-Counties Regional Center recognizes its responsibility to advocate for and work with children and young adult students and their families to secure related services as needed and documented on the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to meet educational objectives. In certain situations, persons served may have needs that are appropriately reflected on both the Individualized Education Plan and the Individual Program Plan.

For children under the age of three (3), supports, services and program options may be provided under the Federal Part C Early Start Services program. These supports, services and program options provide education and training for parents and/or care givers in such areas as feeding, social adaptive development, positioning and communication. These supports, services and program options are provided through in-home parent education and support or in other natural environments.

Tri-Counties Regional Center recognizes that children and young adults from ages 3 to 21 inclusive have the right to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) through the local public education agency. Tri-Counties Regional Center may facilitate and/or authorize funding for primary program services, other than educational services, for school-age individuals.

Children ages 3 to 4.9 years with developmental disabilities with intensive special education needs are entitled to a free and appropriate public education at three (3) years of age. Special education pre-school programs provided by school districts are designed specifically to meet the unique intensive needs of children with exceptional needs whose educational needs cannot be met with modification of the regular instruction program.

Children ages 4.9 to 18 years with developmental disabilities are entitled to a free and appropriate public education with non-disabled peers of similar ages. Public school programs are intended to include but not be limited to: academic training; pre-vocational and vocational training; speech therapy; occupational therapy and/or physical therapy; transportation services; mobility training; adaptive physical education; counseling services; social skills training; and other designated instructional services as identified in their Individual Educational Plan.

Individuals ages 18 to 22 years of age with developmental disabilities are entitled to continue in public education if they have not yet received their Diploma or Certificate of Completion.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will not purchase services which are legally mandated to be provided by the local public education agencies. Tri-Counties Regional Center will advocate with children and young adults and their families to obtain legally mandated education services from public education agencies. Tri-Counties Regional Center will encourage and counsel them and their families on the utilization of all services offered by public school under California Public Law Education Code, Section 8200.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will advocate for and work with families in the transition to a public school program when the child turns three (3) years of age. For those children over age 3 and under age 4.9 who are not appropriate for special education services within the public schools, Tri-Counties Regional Center may authorize funding for appropriate alternatives.

For children and young adults ages 14 to 22 years who are preparing to leave public education programs, Tri- Counties Regional Center will collaborate with the student, family, school and other community agencies to develop a transition plan that will lead the individual to success in employment and/or other adult roles in the community.

For those young adults who are not still involved in public education programs and who have received their Diploma or Certificate of Completion, Tri-Counties Regional Center will provide services according to the Service Policy for primary program services for adult individuals.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will not authorize funding of any primary program service for school-age children and young adults that is considered experimental, optional or elective in nature. The expected result from the provision of a primary program service for school-age individuals must meet measurable outcomes as stated on the person’s Individual Program Plan. Primary program services for school-age individuals must be both clinically and fiscally an effective use of public funds.

Exception Policy:
Tri-Counties Regional Center recognizes that some individual needs are so unique that they may not be addressed in this Service Policy and may require an exception. Such requests for an exception to a Service Policy will be made through the Planning Team process.


  • 2012 07 18: DDS
  • 2011 10 01: TCADD Board