
Documentation Services – 17101



Tri-Counties Regional Center is committed to responsible stewardship, organizational integrity and person centered practices which will ensure a learning, evolving, and value driven organization.

Tri-Counties Regional Center is committed to organizational excellence in order to assist individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in securing those supports and services which will maximize opportunities and choices for living, learning, working, and pursuing recreational activities in their community.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will collect and/or develop and maintain a complete, current and accurate data base of information about each applicant for services for use in the determination of eligibility for regional center services. In the event that adequate historical data and/or relevant medical or psychological information is not available, Tri-Counties Regional Center will facilitate the necessary evaluations and reports.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will collect and/or develop and maintain a complete, current and accurate data base of information about each person served for use in assessment and planning to ensure that provision of supports and/or services is centered on the individual and the family and takes into consideration the needs and preferences of the individual and, where appropriate the family, as well as promoting community integration, independent, productive and normal lives and stable, healthy environments.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will collect and/or develop and maintain a complete, current and accurate data base of information about each person served for use in exploring and securing the necessary supports and/or service options that will assure plan achievement. Tri-Counties Regional Center will document referrals for and provision of any/all support, service and program options from public, private or generic resources as well as those funded by regional center.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will maintain complete, current and accurate documentation of all activity undertaken on behalf of the individual and family members in accordance with federal program requirements necessary for reimbursement for case management activities.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will document the collection of progress reporting to monitor the outcomes of the provided supports and/or services and the satisfaction of the individual and family with those support, service and/or program options.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will assure that persons with developmental disabilities will have the same protections under law as non-disabled persons. Tri-Counties Regional Center will immediately document any violation, denial, or neglect of rights and any/all systemic and/or individual advocacy activities undertaken to correct the situation.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will balance the individual’s right to privacy with the necessity of providing current, complete and accurate information to those providers of support, service and/or program options identified as necessary to the achievement of their goals and preferred future(s). Tri-Counties Regional Center will ensure that individuals with developmental disabilities, and where appropriate their family, have appropriate access to the information contained in their record. Tri-Counties Regional Center will ensure that information from a person’s record will only be released with the express consent of the individual legally authorized to grant such consent.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will assure that any especially sensitive information, or information specified by law as requiring an additional level of confidentiality, will be kept in separate, supplemental confidential records with access limited to those identified and granted expressly by the individual legally authorized to grant such consent.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will maintain complete, current and accurate information by periodically updating the data base information and by regularly purging information which has become outdated.

Tri-Counties will retain an individual’s case records in closed status for a minimum of five (5) years and will ensure the maintenance of confidentiality through the disposal process.


  • 2014 02 20: DDS