
Self-Determination Pilot Project – 18000



The Tri-Counties Association for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc. (TCADD) is committed to ensuring inclusion, participation, and community belonging for persons with developmental disabilities. TCADD and the Tri-Counties Regional Center (TCRC) endorse the vision that people with disabilities will determine their own futures, and, in keeping with this vision, have chosen to participate in a Self-Determination Pilot Project.

The Self-Determination Pilot Project will apply the following principles in working with persons served, and where appropriate, their families and/or conservators:

Right to Plan (Freedom and Supports):
They shall have the right to plan a life with both natural and publicly-funded supports and services as necessary to live life as full and active members of the community.

Authority to Act:
They shall have the authority to control the decisions and resources provided under this Pilot Project to meet all or some of the objectives in their Individual Program Plan.

Responsibility for Decisions:
They shall accept responsibility and liability for their decisions and for their use of public resources under this Pilot Program to meet the objectives identified in their Individual Program Plan.

TCADD and TCRC understand that the Self-Determination Pilot will be experimental in nature, that procedures will be developed to implement the Pilot Project, and that there may be modifications to these procedures as a result of lessons learned during implementation.

To the extent practicable, however, procedures will be consistent with the following tenets:

  1. Participants in the Pilot Project will be representative of the TCRC caseload.
  2. Participants will be precluded from the purchase of any services or supports that are either illegal or medically harmful. All purchases of goods and services through this Pilot Project shall be for the benefit of the person with disabilities.
  3. The Pilot Project will be fiscally neutral over the aggregate of participants.


  • 2012 07 18: DDS