Tri-Counties Regional Center is committed to regular and ongoing outreach activities in its service area to promote participation in the regional center system by eligible persons and their families. Outreach activities are closely interrelated with public information, and with human resource development activities.
Outreach activities will address not only the general public but specific target groups such as non-English speaking populations, minority ethnic groups, high risk or high incidence populations, and/or geographic areas.
Public information activities will be designed to improve public awareness of the special needs of persons with developmental disabilities and to promote positive public images and full community participation. Additionally, Tri-Counties Regional Center will participate with community efforts in the provision of prevention services through public information. This includes actively supporting educational efforts in health and traffic, child and public safety, joining in efforts to enhance prenatal care and to improve healthy lifestyles in pregnant women and in the general population. Specifically, this includes advocacy to reduce prenatal risk from exposure to alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, and the promotion of healthy lifestyles and life choices.
Human resource development activities will encourage new professionals and paraprofessionals to enter the field of developmental services and enhance the skills of those already working in the field.
Outreach efforts may be both direct and indirect. Outreach efforts will be multi-lingual, in the native languages of significant ethnic groups in the TCRC area, and culturally appropriate. Outreach beyond the Tri-Counties Regional Center service area must be coordinated with the respective regional center(s), Area Board(s) and relevant personnel from the Department of Developmental Services. Public information activities encompass a broad variety of activities by Tri-Counties Regional Center staff which result in dissemination of information concerning regional center services and developmental special needs in the community. Outreach results in new applicants for Tri-Counties Regional Center services. Public information results in increased knowledge and positive attitudes on the part of the public.
Tri-Counties Regional Center will conduct a well-rounded schedule of outreach, public information and human resource development activities. These activities will take a variety of forms, in a variety of media.