
Provision of Service Coordination – 9201



Tri-Counties Regional Center is committed to assisting individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in securing those supports and services which will maximize opportunities and choices for living, learning, working, and pursuing recreational activities in their community.

The coordination of services will be conducted in partnership with individuals and their families. Tri-Counties Regional Center will provide service coordination activities that fulfill the intent of the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act by providing in part individuals with opportunities to exercise decision-making skills in any aspect of day-to-day living and providing individuals with relevant information in an understandable form to enable the person to make his or her choice.

The designated service coordinator is responsible for providing or ensuring that the identified needed supports and services are available to the individual; for developing, implementing, overseeing, and monitoring the person’s Individual Program Plan; for offering individual advocacy; and for conducting quality assurance activities.

To be effective, all activities of service coordination must be provided in a timely manner. In addition to the collection and dissemination of information activities of the service coordinator, collection and dissemination of information is facilitated through the Family Resource Centers located in each TCRC office.

The service coordinator may be a member of the regional center staff or an employee of a generic agency designated in regulation as the agency responsible for service coordination. In situations that Tri-Counties Regional Center’s Executive Director agrees and it is feasible: the individual; a parent or other family member; legal guardian or conservator; or a friend may perform all or part of the duties of the service coordinator upon successful completion of New Service Coordinator Training and the Introduction to Person Centered Thinking Training.

Any person designated by the Executive Director as the service coordinator will not deviate from the agreed upon plan and will provide any reasonable information and reports required by the Executive Director. All parties must agree that the person should continue to serve as service coordinator.

Clarification of terms:
Service coordination consists of those activities necessary to implement the person’s Individual Program Plan, including but not limited to:

  • Assisting to revise the plan as required;
  • Collection and dissemination of information;
  • Participation in a person centered process to develop an Individual Program Plan;
  • Securing supports and services specified in the Individual Program Plan by obtaining them from generic agencies;
  • Identifying other public or private resources;
  • Purchasing supports and/or services of comparable quality through least costly available vendored agencies able to accomplish all or part of the person’s Individual Program Plan consistent with the needs of the person;
  • Coordination of supports and services;
  • Monitoring implementation of the Individual Program Plan to ensure that objectives have been fulfilled; and
  • Assisting to revise the plan as required.


  • 2011 02 09: DDS
  • 2010 11 05: TCADD Board