
Accessing Other Resources – 9401



Tri-Counties Regional Center is committed to assisting individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in securing those supports and services which will maximize opportunities and choices for living, learning, working, and pursuing recreational activities in their community.

The coordination of services will be conducted in partnership with individuals and their families as a Planning Team to implement the person centered planning process which will result in an Individual Program Plan. The Individual Program Plan will list necessary supports and/or services and the Planning Team will assist the individual and family to identify resources available to provide the supports and/or services.

Tri-Counties Regional Center’s model of service coordination is designed to assist the individual and his or her family in securing those supports and services which will maximize their opportunities and choices for living, learning, working, and pursuing recreational activities in their community. The Tri-Counties Regional Center designated service coordinator will assume primary responsibility for pursuing the supports and services which have been identified as necessary for the individual.

The Planning Team will assist the individual and family to identify resources to be explored to provide the needed supports and services in order to achieve their desired outcomes. These resources may include, but are not limited to: natural supports or natural community; generic resources; and/or private entities.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will advocate for and work with individuals and their family members to ensure that generic and private service providers discharge their obligations to meet the needs of Tri-Counties Regional Center individuals. Regional center purchase of service funds may be accessed only after all other resources have been exhausted to the fullest extent possible.

Except where federal law precludes, it is the financial responsibility of individuals and/or families to pay their own deductibles and co-payments as determined by generic resources and private insurance companies.

Trust funds that are established for the care or benefit of the person served are considered a private resource and, where applicable and except as legally prohibited by the terms of a special needs trust, it is expected this source of funds will be used prior to regional center funds.

Tri-Counties Regional Center will pursue private resources, including trusts, court-ordered settlements and payments, only to the extent that they are liable for the costs of services, aid, insurance or medical assistance for the individual. Parental resources will be pursued only to the extent provided by the Lanterman Act.

Exception Policy:
Tri-Counties Regional Center recognizes that some individual needs are so unique that they may not be addressed in this Service Policy and may require an exception. Such requests for an exception to a Service Policy will be made through the Planning Team process.

Clarification of Terms:
Natural supports or natural community include personal associations and relationships typically developed in the community that enhance the quality and security of life for people, including but not limited to: family relationships; friendships within the neighborhood and the community; associations with fellow students or employees in regular classrooms and work places; and associations developed through participation in clubs, organizations and other civic activities.

Generic resources are those resources available from any agency which has a legal responsibility to serve all members of the general public and is receiving public funds for providing such supports and/or services.

Generic resources include, but are not limited to: Medi-Cal; Medi-Care; California Children’s Services; school districts; Department of Rehabilitation; county health services; county mental health services; Department of Children’s Services; Department of Public Social Services; components of the criminal justice system; public transportation services; and the Social Security Administration.

Private entities are those entities with limited responsibility for the individual’s care and treatment. These private entities include, but are not limited to: private health insurance; trust funds; insurance settlements; and any other funds specified for the individual’s care and treatment.


  • 2011 02 09: DDS
  • 2010 06: TCADD Board