Administrative Committee
The purpose of this policy is to specify the circumstances under which the regional center will issue requests for proposals (“RFP”) to address a service need. This policy shall also address the applicable dollar threshold for requiring the utilization of the RFP process; the RFP notification process; and how submitted proposals will be evaluated and the applicant selected.
The purposes for seeking services through a Request for Proposal are to:
Tri-Counties Regional Center opens the RFP phase twice each year. Proposals must be received no later than 5 p.m. on the last day that the RFP phase is open.
RFP Release | October 1 |
Information Conference | October 15 |
RFP’s Due | October 31 |
1st Round Selection | November 15 |
Program Designs Due | November 30 |
Program Design Approval | December 30* depending on number of submissions. |
Contract Awarded | January 15 |
A current description of services and supports for persons served that are being sought by TCRC in each county is available on TCRC’s website and will be updated periodically. RFP applicants are directed to review current needs prior to submitting proposals.
Electronic documents are required at all stages in the process of becoming a service provider. The proposal MUST contain all of the following:
Many projects require a program design. Once selected, applicants will be asked to submit a program design if necessary. Program designs are required for the following:
Proposals are sent to Resource Development staff. An email confirming receipt will be returned with each submission.
At minimum, proposals that are selected for further consideration must provide evidence that:
A needs assessment is conducted by Resource Development (“RD”) staff at least semi-annually to ascertain needs for annual planning and for ongoing needs as they arise. RD staff will meet with managers and interested parties in TCRCs’ geographic areas to discuss expectations regarding services for that territory. Priority shall be established first by lack of resources in a geographic area.
Proposals will be reviewed by the TCRC RFP Proposal Review Committee. Supplemental information may be requested. Applicants may be asked to participate in an interview team of appropriate TCRC staff, depending upon the service proposed. Any proposal may be rejected if it is incomplete or deviates from the specifications in the RFP.
The RFP Proposal Review Committee will review the applications and supporting information utilizing a RFP rubric. The rubric is a tool that will objectively measure the quality of the submissions and their responsiveness to the RFP descriptions. It is a combination of binary input (yes/no) and a numerical point system.
Upon completion of the rubric analysis, RD staff will notify high-scoring applicants to submit a program design (if required) and a cost statement for review. A multi-departmental staff panel will review program designs based on internal guidelines. The selected provider(s) will be vendored upon completion of the review and evaluation process and submission of all required documents.
TCRC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to cancel the RFP process at its discretion. If negotiations fail with the selected applicant, TCRC reserves the right to re-open negotiations with the next qualified applicant or re-post the RFP.
Current and potential providers are encouraged to utilize the RFP process to submit applications for services and supports that reflect the description of current needs for persons served in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties.
RFP information is distributed to all service providers through announcements on the TCRC web site, and e-mail notifications to service providers.
TCRC maintains an electronic address book of individuals who would like to be notified of identified resource development needs and will send notifications as applicable.
An Information Conference will be held after the opening of each RFP process in order to answer questions from prospective providers and further clarify the projects.
A list of frequently asked questions about response to the RFP process is also available on TCRC’s website.
If a prospective or current service provider seeks consideration on an immediate basis according to Title 17 guidelines, the service provider shall submit a Letter of Interest (“LOI”) through the TCRC resource development e-mail box on the TCRC web site.
Letter of Interest
All Letters of Interest (LOI) must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Any hand delivered or mailed submission will be returned to sender without review.
The following information is required to be included in the Letter of Interest:
Referrals to any service are not guaranteed. Service providers responding to unmet needs are more likely to receive referrals. Applicants meeting regulatory requirements will be reviewed for vendorization. This review process will be completed forty five days after all required documents are received.
Upon completion of the RFP, evaluation and selection of the service provider, the rate negotiation, contracting and vendorization processes shall follow with the provider. Information relevant to these activities is provided in separate TCADD policies and TCRC procedures.