
Approval of Contracts – B0009


Administrative Committee

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the TCADD Board of Directors review and approve certain regional center contracts, as required by law.

The TCADD Board of Directors shall adopt and maintain a written policy requiring the board to review and approve any regional center contract, as defined, of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) or more, before entering into the contract.

“Contract” – Contracts for the purposes of this section, shall be defined as those agreements in which a fixed amount is guaranteed as payment to a vendor in exchange for specific deliverables. For purposes of this policy, contracts do not include vendor approval letters issued by regional centers pursuant to Section 54322 of Title 17 of CCR nor those agreements with service providers developed as part of the typical vendorization process by the regional center that are structured with an hourly/daily/monthly rates and payment is for authorized services provided based on agreements in Individual Program Plans or Individualized Family Service Plans.


  1. The Administrative Committee (“AC”) of the TCADD Board of Directors shall review and approve all applicable contracts. Such contracts will be reviewed and approved in advance by the TCRC Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director in preparation for presentation of the contracts for review and approval by the Administrative Committee.
  2. TCRC staff shall provide information to the Administrative Committee sixty (60) days ahead of time unless the negotiations occurring preclude it and in such case, provide information as much ahead of Administrative Committee meeting as possible and update the Administrative Committee as available.
  3. TCRC staff shall prepare and present to the AC the following information for review of each contract to be presented to the TCADD Board for final approval:
    1. Contract Summary (Attachment A): A brief summary of the contract requiring approval to include, but not be limited to:
      1. The name of the vendor or service provider.
      2. The purpose of the contract.
      3. TCRC’s needs and requirements for vendor’s services.
      4. The population to be served.
      5. The service delivery description.
      6. Utilization.
      7. The contract term.
      8. The total amount of the contract.
      9. The rate of payment or payment amount.
      10. The method or process utilized to award the contract (i.e. request for proposal, cost statement, other).
      11. The method or process utilized to establish the rate or the payment amount.
      12. Exceptional conditions or terms, if applicable.
  1. Upon approval, the AC shall make a recommendation to the full TCADD board for approval of the contracts, with the exception of office leases for which the Executive Committee shall have the authority to approve on behalf of the Board.
  2. If a contract is not approved by the AC, further information shall be provided at the next AC meeting for committee review and approval.
  3. Upon request of any board member, the executive assistant to the Board will provide a copy of such contract to such board members before the board meeting.
  4. The TCADD Board of Directors shall review the AC recommendations at the next board meeting and approve or disapprove the contracts presented.
  5. If a contract is not approved by the Board, the contract will be referred back to the AC for further review and approval. After such contract is approved by the AC, the AC shall make a recommendation to the full TCADD board for approval at the next scheduled board meeting.
  6. Exception: The TCADD Board authorizes the Executive Committee to approve contracts of $250,000 or more when the timing of scheduled Board meetings does not allow for timely approval or which would result in interruption of service delivery. Meetings of the Executive Committee held for this purpose meet the requirements of Welfare and Institutions Code Section 4660. The Executive Committee shall inform the Board of such contract approvals at the next scheduled board meeting.
  7. If a board member is not able to consider the review of a contract due to a conflict of interest, the board member shall recuse his/her vote for a particular contract.


  • 2015 02 06: Revised
  • 2013 11 01: Revised
  • 2011 11: Revised
  • 2011 07 08: First Approved