
What is the TCADD Board?

The Tri-Counties Association for the Developmentally Disabled (TCADD) Board offers its members the opportunity to actively participate in setting the future goals and directions of the regional center. Composed of 16 members, the Board seeks persons able to creatively advise the regional center director and staff regarding the agency’s policies and procedures. Diversity of membership is critical for the regional center to successfully promote innovative ideas and concepts on behalf of all citizens with developmental disabilities.

Who can join the Board?

The Board is composed of individuals with a demonstrated interest in, or knowledge of, developmental disabilities — including persons with legal, management, public relations, and developmental disability program skills. The Board, by law, must also include representatives of the various categories of developmental disabilities served by the regional center; reflect the geographic and ethnic characteristics of the regional center area, and have at least one-fourth membership of persons with developmental disabilities or their parents or legal guardians.

Why join the Board?

TCADD Board membership offers an opportunity to support the work of the regional center staff, advocate for the needs of persons with developmental disabilities, and share talents and skills in a governance role. Building awareness of the agency’s performance for operational requirements and strategic goals along with the implementation of the TCADD Policies is a rewarding and dynamic experience. Committee level work along with full TCADD Board activities offers Board members a variety of potential ways to contribute to the mission and vision of the agency.

When does the Board meet?

The TCADD Board has 8 Board meetings per calendar year; Board members are expected to attend all 8 Board meetings (2-3 hours each). The TCADD Board also has various committee meetings (90 minutes each) that also meet 8 times per calendar year. Board members are expected to participate on two committees for a total of 16 committee meetings per calendar year. In addition to the meetings, Board members will also take part in 2 retreats (2-3 hours each) and multiple shorter trainings (30 minutes each) throughout the calendar year.

View the TCADD Board Calendar