
Child with Disability in a swimming class

Camping and Social Recreation

Changes in the law now allow regional centers to pay for camping services and social recreational activities. Your service coordinator can work with you to determine if these services should be part of your Individual Program Plan (IPP). Camp and Social Rec...

Photo of a box of vaccine vials

Vaccine Resources by County

Ventura County Vaccine Resources Santa Barbara County Vaccine Resources San Luis Obispo County Vaccine...

Teen boy with Autism looks confidently at the camera

How is Autism Treated

Each child with autism is unique and will require services to best meet individual and family needs. Although there is no cure for autism, evidence shows that early intervention often results in positive outcomes. Treatment goals should emphasize the...

Two Service Providers have a side conversation during a meeting

California Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 4622 and 4626 of the Lanterman Act 2011

4622. The state shall contract only with agencies, the governing boards of which conform to all of the following criteria: (a) The governing board shall be composed of individuals with demonstrated interest in, or knowledge of, developmental...

Mom holds toddler daughter with big smiles on a light yellow background

How to Refer to Early Start

Anyone can refer to Early Start including parents, medical professionals, community agencies, local education agencies, social workers, and nurses.  Referrals sent to the regional center should include family contact information, developmental...

Man does therapy with a stick in a group home day program

Residential Care

Licensed or Certified Residential Services Choosing an appropriate living arrangement is an important decision and there are many different options available.  Each is designed to meet a slightly different need, so one option may suit a person better...

Two young siblings hold their infant brother who has Down Syndrome, the girl kisses his hand

Intake Process

Eligibility and Assessment Any person believed to have a developmental disability, and any person believed to have a high risk of becoming the parent of a developmentally disabled infant, is eligible for initial intake and assessment services. Purpose of the...

Lanterman and Friends Animated Series banner with four characters

Lanterman and Friends Animations

Join Lanterman and Friends for several series of short, humorous, and information-packed stories that explain the complex but critically important Regional Center system to the nearly half a million Californians with Intellectual or Developmental...

Hispanic mom poses with her eight kids and grandkids. A young girl holds a chihuahua wearing a flowered shirt

Ventura County Medical Resource Guide

The Ventura County Medical Resource Guide was created by the Rainbow Resource Center to help you learn how to “navigate” the medical system and locate information to help you with your medical needs.  Please be advised that...