What services are included in SD?

What services are included in SD?

In the Self Determination Program, planning teams will use a person-centered planning process to develop all Individual Program Plans (IPPs). Persons served, and those who support them, will see many changes in the choice of services and supports available to them....
What is a Fiscal Management Service (FMS)?

What is a Fiscal Management Service (FMS)?

A Fiscal Management Service (FMS) is a service that helps you to manage your budgets under the Self Determination program. The FMS representative will help make sure that you have enough money to last throughout the year. The FMS is a required part of the Self...
FMS Providers vendored with TCRC

FMS Providers vendored with TCRC

Click here for a list of FMS providers vendored with TCRC. Thank you for your interest in the Self Determination program and please check the Self Determination page on the DDS website at:  www.dds.ca.gov/initiatives/sdp  for the most recent updates.