
First aid kit with medical supplies

Child Protective Services

The California Department of Social Services provides protective services for children who may have been or are at risk for abuse or neglect....

Mom poses with two sons in the park

Child Health and Disability Prevention Program (CHDP)

The Child Health and Disability Prevention Program (CHDP) provides well-child physicals for children through age 21....

Happy child with down syndrome enjoying swing on playground

California Children’s Services (CCS)

California Children's Services provides support for qualifying children and...

PCT Tools - Important To, Important For

Important to/Important for

A way to sort while working towards a good solution. A way to sort while working towards a good solution. · To think through a situation before deciding what should happen next · As an every day tool Important to/Important for –...

PCT Tools - Donut Sort


Identifies role-specific responsibilities. (core responsibilities; use judgment and creativity) Identifies role-specific responsibilities. (core responsibilities; use judgment and creativity) · Help staff get clear about their responsibilities · Develop job...

PCT Tools - Matching Support

Matching Support

A structure to look at both what skills/supports and what “people characteristics” make for good matches A structure to look at both what skills/supports and what “people characteristics” make for good matches · Help people think about the kind of...

PCT Tools - Communication Chart

Communication Chart

At-a-glance view of key information and how a person communicates. Especially useful in supporting people who don’t communicate well with words At-a-glance view of key information and how a person communicates. Especially useful in supporting people who...

PCT Tools - What's Working, Not Working

What’s Working/Not Working

Analyzes an issue/situation across multiple perspectives. Provide a picture of how things are right now. Analyzes an issue/situation across multiple perspectives. Provide a picture of how things are right now. · To do pinpoint problem solving· Before...

PCT Tools - Four + One

4+1 Questions

Helps people look at learning from their efforts. Given that learning a way to focus on future efforts. · To evaluate a specific process or effort · As a structure for group review 4+1 Questions –...

PCT Tools - Learning Log

The Learning Log

Directs people to look for ongoing learning. A structure that captures details of learning within specific activities and experiences · Replace the standard “progress note” · Track efforts related to a specific focused area of change · Deepen learning...