
Teen boy with Autism hugs his mom sweetly

Transition Planning 14-18

Thinking about and planning for adulthood often begins informally, several years before a person turns 18. At age 14, the process becomes more formalized. By age 16, a young person’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) will begin to address vocational...

Young adult man with disabilities jokes around with his mom

Becoming an Adult 18-22

At age 18, young adults have different responsibilities and benefits that may be available to them. Issues to consider include public benefits, health care decisions, voter registration, selective service registration, living choices, educational or...

The ABLE Act and CalABLE

Click here for Cal ABLE Fact Sheet Click here for Cal ABLE Fact Sheet – Espanol What is CalABLE? California Achieving a Better Life Experience (CalABLE) is a new program that allows people with disabilities to establish tax advantaged accounts and...

Photo of Jessica Clay in her motorized wheelchair. Jessica is wearing the flowy custume of the dancer who does an arabesque from the back of the chair.

Graceful Expressions: One Young Woman is Changing Minds Through Dance

As the auditorium lights dim, the elegantly costumed dancers glide across the stage with delicate grace. At first glance, you might not notice that one of the dancers is using an electric wheelchair; that dancer is Jessica Clay. Jessica has been dancing since...

Photo of Donald Kremer, a successful advocate for air conditioned buses for persons served

Taking Action for Positive Change: Three Advocates Make a Difference

They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. For some of us taking that first step can seem daunting. That journey could come in many forms: striving for a personal goal, taking on a home project, embarking on an educational path, or in...

Photo of Jonathon Rosales at work at Best Buy with his colleague Gil

Working as a Team for Excellent Service

Jonathan Rosales has always enjoyed shopping at Best Buy. He really appreciated their excellent customer service. On one of his shopping trips, he expressed an interest in employment and inquired about any possible job openings that they may have. The sales...

Photo of Jon Seyster on his adapted three-wheel bicycle on the beach.

Jon Seyster: Riding with Heart

Jon Seyster (http://jonseyster.com), 32, of Simi Valley, has discovered his passion. Drawing great strength from his spirituality, he lives with cerebral palsy and hearing loss, “but I don’t allow that to stop me from living an amazing life,” as he...

Photo of Chad Brunot standing on the balcony in front of his own home. He has a happy grin.

A Place of One’s Own

Chad Brunot stands in the doorway of his very own home, sweet home. “Today is Day Number 80,” he announces. He moved in last June after surmounting great challenges to arrive there, fortified by his typical optimism and the support of his TCRC Service...

Photo of Jason Cantu's drawing titled "all over the map". The words on the top say "what a long, strange trip it has been".

All Over the Map

A featured artist in Santa Barbara author Debra Hosseini’s popular book, The Art of Autism, Jason Cantu, 28, had his first solo art show at TCRC’s office in San Luis Obispo. The show, All Over the Map, hung during the first quarter of 2014. This was the...

Ana Tamayo, Assistant Aide, reports on the weather for students at A.C.C.E.S.S. Secondary School. Moorpark, California.

Ana Tamayo and the Art of Graceful Transitions

Ana Tamayo gets up early every morning and goes to work, returning home by 3:00 p.m. She works at A.C.C.E.S.S, (Adult Community Center for Educational Support Services.) Offered through the Ventura County Office of Education, A.C.C.E.S.S. is an educational...