
Luis on the job at Ralphs putting shopping carts back

Practicing Service, Community Connection and Humility at Ralphs

Wearing a bright neon vest over his Ralphs shirt to help drivers see him in the parking lot, Luis Prado pushes carts around. A lot. He’s been employed at Ralphs for over 14 years. He greets regular customers with a cheery smile and a wave, and comments,...

James Neal proudly holds up the "yes I can" award he received.

National Yes I Can! Award

Won by Arroyo Grande student James Neal The Yes I Can! Awards were established by the national Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), to honor children and youth with disabilities who have excelled. Thousands of children and youth have been recognized since...

Photo of DJ Chris Benedict with his audio equipment.

One Big Community (with Dancing)

Santa Barbara DJ Chris Benedict is also a presenter and a motivational speaker. He’s been holding monthly dance events that are fully accessible for people with disabilities. He’s expanding now, with a vision to reach out to the entire youth community of...

Brother hugs little sister who has down syndrome

What is Self-Determination?

En español: ¿Qué es el Programa de Autodeterminación?  The Self-Determination Program allows for individuals receiving services and/or their families to have the freedom to control and select the programs and services that support the goals in their...

A brightly painted little free library

Little Free Libraries – Las Cosas Buenas Vienen en Paquetes Pequeños

El acceso a una visita a la biblioteca para niños o adultos es un recurso importante de la comunidad. Los libros llegaron a ser más accesibles sólo recientemente en algunas de las comunidades a lo largo de la costa. El Little Free Libraries es un programa...

Peter Stoner, a writer who shared his story of early life in an institution

Mi Vida Dentro de – Peter Stoner – Articulo 1

La crónica de Peter Stoner de sus primeros años en una institución. Serán presentadas citas adicionales en las próximas publicaciones del TriLine. por Peter A. Stoner Primeros Años Mis primeros recuerdos antes de mudarse a una institución, son los de...

Student with disabilities wearing a helmet

La travesía del Cannabidiol

por James O’Hanlon, Ph.D., Psicofarmacólogo El ascenso de cannabidiol (CBD) a la prominencia comenzó el 11 de agosto de 2013 con un documental en CNN sobre Charlotte Figi, una niña de 5 años nacida con la rara mutación, de un gen aislado que provoca un...