Self-Determination Program Eligibility
To participate in the Self Determination Program, a person...
To participate in the Self Determination Program, a person...
In Self Determination you will have the opportunity to be more active in creating IPPs and taking on...
This 17 minute recorded presentation on Person Centered Thinking and One Page...
You will receive a budget based on the amount of money the regional center spent on your services and supports for the past 12...
A Fiscal Management Service (FMS) is a service that helps you to manage your budgets under the Self Determination...
DDS presentation on the role of the Ombudsperson for Self Determination in English and...
View our Placement Guide “Exploring Your Placement Options” in English View our Placement Guide “Exploring Your Placement Options” in...
Check this post frequently for updates on COVID-19 vaccine distribution in San Luis Obispo...