
Photo of non-perishable food items, some in a small box and others on a table

Foodbank Locator

The California Association of Food Banks has an online food bank locator. Do you need help affording groceries? You may be eligible for CalFresh (food...

Mom sits with stressed pre-teen in front of a laptop

Crisis Support Services

TCRC’s crisis intervention provider, Crisis Support...

Phone Tree Tips

Not everyone has the internet or uses...

Elementary age Hispanic boy is serving meal to senior man in charity soup kitchen at food bank. His mother, father, and sister are with him. Family is volunteering for charity together. They are wearing VOLUNTEER t-shirts and serving healthy food.

Food Resources in Ventura County

Food share, food delivery for seniors, Meals on Wheels and student...

Woman with Down syndrome smiling happily while working as a shopkeeper in a grocery store.

Food Resources in SB County

Food banks, Mobile Food pantry, Brown Bag and student...

Two volunteers working to distribute food

Food Resources in SLO County

Food bank lists, Free Meals for Kids, Creston and Templeton student...

Personal Emergency Plan (PEP)

Check out the great workbook for emergency...

Young man, Person served on the job with a landscaping crew

Medicamentos para mejorar el uso del lenguaje en el trastorno del espectro autista (TEA)

por James O’Hanlon, Ph.D., Psychopharmacologist La mayoría de las personas con TEA sufren algún grado de deterioro del lenguaje expresivo y/ o receptivo. Para personas con funcionamiento superior, puede ser sólo una incapacidad relativa, para comprender...

Photo of Jamie Burba, author and cancer survivor laughing as she wears assistive tech.

Jamie Burba: Autora, Cineasta, Sobreviviente de Cáncer y Defensora

"Lo que sigue son las casas inteligentes, donde Jamie puede controlar el termostato, abrir y cerrar las cortinas, y usar el iPad para ver quién está en la puerta ...Hay bastante potencial "....