
Two brothers play tractor together on a blanket at the park

Payment for Services

There is no cost for evaluation, assessment and service coordination. Public or private health insurance is accessed for medically necessary therapy...

Parents hold their infant with Down Syndrome between them, each kissing a cheek

Services in the Early Start Program

Help your eligible child and family get off to an early...

Young Hispanic mother with her infant son

Who is Eligible for Early Start?

Children with a disability or developmental delay can benefit from Early Start...

A down syndrome boy with school kids and teacher sitting on the floor in class, playing guitar.

Age Three to 4.9 Years

Age Three to 4.9 Years Children with Special Education needs are entitled to a free public education at three years of age. Special Education Preschool Programs provided by school districts are designed specifically to meet the unique, intensive needs of...

Teenage sister hugs younger sister as brother stands in

Age 4.9 to 18 Years

Age 4.9 to 18 Years Public school programs are intended to include, but not be limited to, academic training; pre-vocational and vocational training; speech therapy; occupational therapy and/or physical therapy; transportation services; mobility training;...

Mom hugs her young adult with Down Syndrome

Age 16 to 22 Years

Age 16 to 22 Years Individuals in this age group are entitled to continue in public education if they have not yet completed their prescribed course of study or have not met proficiency standards. Tri-Counties Regional Center will collaborate with the person,...

Nicole Cantrell sits with a women she helps support. They both have big smiles.

Transitioning to Adulthood: Nicole’s Success

Nicole Cantrell is an Assistant Aide at Carl Dwire Special Education School where she has been employed for over two years. Working alongside her team, Nicole supports preschoolers in their learning. Some children need a bit of prompting when responding to...