
Child with Disability in a swimming class

Camping and Social Recreation

Changes in the law now allow regional centers to pay for camping services and social recreational activities. Your service coordinator can work with you to determine if these services should be part of your Individual Program Plan (IPP). Camp and Social Rec...

Man does therapy with a stick in a group home day program

Residential Care

Licensed or Certified Residential Services Choosing an appropriate living arrangement is an important decision and there are many different options available.  Each is designed to meet a slightly different need, so one option may suit a person better...

Man with cerebral palsy sits in his dining room working on his phone

Voluntary At-Risk Registration

Ventura PD launches new voluntary at-risk...

Older man in a wheelchair being helped into a van

Exploring Your Placement Options

View our Placement Guide “Exploring Your Placement Options” in English View our Placement Guide “Exploring Your Placement Options” in...

Portrait of a little african american baby boy playing outdoor in the grass

Descripcion de Servicios en Español

Servicios de Apoyo para Familias Los servicios de apoyo para familias se proporcionan dentro o fuera del hogar de la familia. Ayudan al niño o adulto con una discapacidad a seguir viviendo y recibiendo apoyo en el hogar familiar. Estos servicios tienen el...

Portrait of a little african american baby boy playing outdoor in the grass

Service Descriptions

Descripciones de los Servicios en español Family Support Services Family Support Services are provided either in or out of the family home. They help the child or adult with a disability continue to live, and be supported in their family home. These services...

Older man with a disability mixing flour for a meal in his home

Living Options and Residential Services

The goal for all residential services is to maintain the highest level of independence possible while offering a safe place to...

two people served by TCRC and a service provider give the thumbs up

Day Programs

Day programs are community-based programs for individuals served by a regional...

Senior woman uses an assistive tech device at her day program

Senior Services

Supports, services and program options provided for...