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Vendor Advisory Committee Agendas

Meeting Schedule The 1st Thursday of the following months at 10 a.m.February, March, May, June, July, September, October and November Tri-Counties Regional Center 520 E. Montecito Street, Santa Barbara,...

People’s Advisory Committee Agendas

Meeting Schedule The 3rd Thursday of the following months at 3:30 p.m. February, March, May, June, July, September, October, and...

Audit Committee Minutes

Please note – From the TCADD Bylaws, Section 8.04 (2) The Audit Committee will meet on an as needed basis and will report to the Board of...

Audit Committee Agendas

Please note – From the TCADD Bylaws, Section 8.04 (2) The Audit Committee will meet on an as needed basis and will report to the Board of...

Vendor Advisory Committee Minutes

Meeting Schedule The 1st Thursday of the following months at 10 a.m.February, March, May, June, July, September, October, and November Tri-Counties Regional Center 520 E. Montecito Street, Santa Barbara,...

Post-Retirement Healthcare Trust Committee Minutes

Meeting Schedule Please note – The TCADD Bylaws, Section 8.02.03 state that the Post-Retirement Health Care Trust Committee is a permanent sub-committee of the Administrative Committee; PRHCT meets on an as-needed...

Post-Retirement Healthcare Trust Committee Agendas

Meeting Schedule Please note – The TCADD Bylaws, Section 8.02.03 state that the Post-Retirement Health Care Trust Committee is a permanent sub-committee of the Administrative Committee; PRHCT meets on an as-needed...

Strategic Planning Committee Agendas

Please note – From the TCADD Bylaws, Section 8.02.03: Sub-Committees. The Board of Directors may establish such permanent sub-committees as deemed necessary to carry out the business of the respective...

Strategic Planning Committee Minutes

Please note – From the TCADD Bylaws, Section 8.02.03: Sub-Committees. The Board of Directors may establish such permanent sub-committees as deemed necessary to carry out the business of the respective...

TCRC Data by Legislative District

View details about services provided by the regional center system in each Assemblymember and Senator's catchment...