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A person served shakes the hand of a service provider

Generic Services for Financial Assistance

Generic resources are other publicly funded services and supports available to people receiving services and supports from Tri-Counties Regional Center. According to the law, TCRC must exhaust all available generic resources before funding services. Many...

California State Capitol

State & Federal Tax Relief for Small Businesses

Tax relief and extensions, loan repayment extensions, access to capital and other business...

Hispanic mom holds her infant close

Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants (DRAI)

DRAI has had technical difficulties with their phone system in all three counties. New telephone numbers have been added to support incoming calls for the DRAI funds. SLO County: (877) 282-7174 Ventura County: (805)-519-7774 or (805)-256-1001Santa...

CalFresh Logo

CalFresh (Food Stamps)

The CalFresh Food Stamps program helps people who have very low or no income to buy nutritious groceries....

Social Security Administration Logo

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

The SSI program pays benefits to adults and children with disabilities who have limited income and resources....

Older man in a wheelchair being helped into a van

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

This Federal program provides aid to people who are unable to achieve gainful employment due to a permanently disabling...

The ABLE Act and CalABLE

Click here for Cal ABLE Fact Sheet Click here for Cal ABLE Fact Sheet – Espanol What is CalABLE? California Achieving a Better Life Experience (CalABLE) is a new program that allows people with disabilities to establish tax advantaged accounts and...