New DDS Wellness Resources

NEW DDS Wellness Toolkit The DDS Wellness Toolkit is a new section of the DDS website focused on providing information and tools related to health and safety for self-advocates, direct support professionals, and vendors or providers. New topics, tools, and information...

Public Meeting Notice – Performance Contract Report Presentation

TCRC PERFORMANCE CONTRACT PRESENTATION Tuesday, JUNE 4th, 2023 4:00 PM Each year TCRC and the Department of Developmental Services develop a contract that defines how TCRC will be evaluated on its performance. On Tuesday, June 4 at 4:00 PM TCRC’s FY 2024-2025...

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

On March 21 we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day! This is a day to come together to celebrate Down syndrome and raise awareness. There are many ways to get involved with the National Down syndrome Society (NDSS) on World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD). Learn ore about...

Join our Board of Directors!

Hear directly from our Board members on the work that they do and what the experience means to them, their families and the people we serve. Joining the BoardClick here to start an online Board application (English)Click here for the Board application (English) in PDF...