March 7, 2023
Each March offers a new opportunity to share your story with others across our community. By sharing what is unique about each of us, we all move toward a more inclusive future. Help us raise awareness! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter as we share stories and ways...
November 25, 2020
Tri-Counties Regional Center (TCRC) is submitting an AB637/1543/1106 Waiver Proposal to the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) in accordance with statutory requirements. Specifically, TCRC is seeking approval for two proposals: 1) an allowance to utilize a...
November 28, 2022
On behalf of Diva Johnson Dear Community Partners, Thank you to those of you who took the time to complete our 2022 CDRP Stakeholder Survey regarding prioritizing our community resource needs. Here are the identified community resource needs based upon submitted...
July 2, 2021
Paid Internship Program The Paid Internship Program (PIP) has incentive payments tied to it. This means if you support an individual in securing a PIP, and they continue to participate, you are eligible for an incentive payment after an individual remains in the paid...
February 14, 2023
What is LACCP: The Language Access and Cultural Competency Plan initiative is funded for regional centers to improve and promote language access and cultural competency. The primary purpose of these funds is to improve individual and family experience and to...
October 3, 2022
The public meeting to present TCRC’s 2021 Performance Contract Report and 2023 Plan on October 7, 2022 has been postponed due a delayed release of the 2023 Performance Contract Guidelines from the Department of Developmental Services. We are excited to share our prior...