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Child with Disability in a swimming class

Camping and Social Recreation

Changes in the law now allow regional centers to pay for camping services and social recreational activities. Your service coordinator can work with you to determine if these services should be part of your Individual Program Plan (IPP). Camp and Social Rec...

Grandmother and mom hug daughter in wheelchair

Placement Options for Your Child

View our Placement Guide “Placement Options for your Child” in English View our Placement Guide “Placement Options for your Child” in...

Portrait of a little african american baby boy playing outdoor in the grass

Descripcion de Servicios en Español

Servicios de Apoyo para Familias Los servicios de apoyo para familias se proporcionan dentro o fuera del hogar de la familia. Ayudan al niño o adulto con una discapacidad a seguir viviendo y recibiendo apoyo en el hogar familiar. Estos servicios tienen el...

Portrait of a little african american baby boy playing outdoor in the grass

Service Descriptions

Descripciones de los Servicios en español Family Support Services Family Support Services are provided either in or out of the family home. They help the child or adult with a disability continue to live, and be supported in their family home. These services...

two social workers hug and smile in a kitchen


The regional center supports families living...

Young woman with special needs getting vaccinated in a medical clinic

Health Care Services

Health care services may be provided...

Asian mom questions smiling teenage son

Parent Training

To help families gain a foundation of knowledge in Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), they are referred to Group Parent Training. Behavioral services may begin once this training has been...

Young woman talks with her service coordinator, mental health discussion

Counseling Services

Counseling services may be provided when a person or his/her family member require a deeper understanding of social or psychological problems that are associated with the developmental disability and that adversely affects an individual’s living...

Two women, one of them disabled, playing "patty-cake" for a rhythm exercise


Physical and/or Occupational Therapy services are prescribed by a physician and provided under the supervision of an accredited and licensed physical or occupational therapist. These services are provided to individuals who have significant deficits in the...

Adorable toddler sitting on the ground making a silly, open mouth gesture

Guidelines for Obtaining Services

• The planning team determines needed services. • Services authorized for payment by the regional center will be included in the individual’s IFSP or IPP. • Prior to authorization of regional center funding, an exploration of the availability of...