Generic Services for Health
Generic resources are other publicly funded services and supports available to people receiving services and supports from Tri-Counties Regional Center. According to the law, TCRC must exhaust all available generic resources before funding services. Many commonly used resources are included below.
Medicare is a Federally funded public health insurance program for people over age 65, those with certain disabilities, & individuals with End-Stage Renal Disease. Individuals may also qualify for Medicare if they have been eligible for SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) benefits for at least 24 months. If you are eligible for SSI (Supplemental Security Income), you may get Medicare. Part A covers inpatient hospital care, care in a skilled nursing facility, or hospice care. Part B covers the services of physicians and other professionals, outpatient hospital services, medical supplies, & other services. Part C offers health plan options administered by Medicare-approved private insurance companies. Part D covers prescription drugs. For more information, visit www.medicare.gov.
Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid health care program. This program pays for a variety of medical services for children and adults with limited income and resources. If determined eligible, you can receive Medi-Cal as long as you continue to meet the eligibility requirements. Recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are automatically eligible for Medi-Cal.
Your local County Social Services Department manages Medi-Cal eligibility determinations. Learn more at Medi-Cal California Medicaid | Health for California or contact:
SLO – Department of Social Services
Atascadero – (805) 461-6000
Paso Robles – (805) 237-3110
Morro Bay – (805) 772-6340
SB – Department of Social Services
Santa Barbara – (805) 681-4401
Santa Maria – (805) 346-7135
Lompoc – (805) 737-7098
Ventura – Human Services Agency
Oxnard – (805) 385-9363
Ventura – (805) 658-4100
Santa Clara Valley – (805) 933-8300
Expanded alcohol and drug and mental health services are available for people who are eligible for Medi-Cal. To find out more, contact CenCal if you live in Santa Barbara or San Luis Obispo Counties or Gold Coast if you live in Ventura County.
• CenCal Health – (877)814-1861 (SB, SLO)
• Gold Coast Health Plan – (888) 301-1228 (Ventura)
Dental Services are covered under Medi-Cal. For eligibility, contact your local County Social Services Department. Some services are provided at no cost to you, for other services, you may be required to share some of the cost. For help finding a dentist, call 1-800-322-6384. Find more information on the DHCS website.