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HCBS Animated Series Wins Anthem Webby Awards

The HCBS Final Rule Animated Series made in partnership with Tri-Counties Regional Center and Public Pixels Media won 3 Anthem Webby Awards!  The awards recognize the series for their impact on accessibility, education, and creative storytelling.  They won two silver awards for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) through community collaboration and innovation and a bronze award in DEI for community engagement.

In the animated videos, Lorenzo, Maya, Dexter, Steven, and superhero Lanterman share stories to help explain the rights of people receiving Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS).  The series was created to better equip regional centers, service providers, and the broader community to understand and implement the HCBS Final Rule 10 federal requirements.  Each episode is translated into 20 languages, including ASL.  Since its launch four months ago, the series has achieved over 100,000 views.  You can watch the series and keep an eye out for future videos about regional center services on the TCRC YouTube account.

About the Anthem Webby Awards

The Anthem Webby Awards celebrate creative projects and campaigns worldwide that inspire change or raise awareness about social, cultural, and environment issues.  Webby awards are for excellence on the Internet presented annually by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences.  You can read more about the team behind the HCBS Final Rule Animated Series and its recognition on the Anthem Awards website.