Language Access and Cultural Competency Plan (LACCP)
What is LACCP:
The Language Access and Cultural Competency Plan initiative is funded for regional centers to improve and promote language access and cultural competency. The primary purpose of these funds is to improve individual and family experience and to facilitate more consistent access to information and services for multi-lingual, monolingual, and diverse cultural groups receiving services from regional centers. In this first year, TCRC’s plan includes developing a Language and Culture Description for TCRC’s catchment area.
Why it matters:
All regional centers have data on who we serve including what languages they prefer and which ethnic groups individuals identify as. This data is based on individual reporting. Feedback we have received suggests our data is missing important information – we do not have the whole story. For example, we know that ethnicity is not the same as culture. There are many cultures represented across TCRC’s catchment area which, along with some languages, are not currently included in our systems, e.g. religions, LGBTQ+, indigenous & tribal groups, and Mixteco, etc.
To truly be person-centered in all we do, we need to better understand who we are supporting which means we need better data and information. The LACCP provides the funding we need to learn about our community and then provide services that are linguistically and culturally relevant to all individuals supported by TCRC.
How will the Language Access and Cultural Competency Plan be implemented:
To develop TCRC’s Language and Culture Description we facilitated 19 listening sessions with TCRC staff and individuals/families to gather information to better understand our community. The information from these listening sessions helped us develop a culturally and linguistically appropriate survey to identify:
- the languages spoken in our community
- the number of families in which a parent/caregiver language preferences may be different than the person served
- different cultural affiliations and the degree to which those cultures are present
- potential cultural and linguistic barriers people may be facing
You are invited to review TCRC’s Language Access and Cultural Competency Plans. Year 1 Application Report
FAQs about LACCP:
What is “culturally and linguistically appropriate/responsive”?
Being respectful and responsive to an individual’s culture and communication needs by accounting for cultural belief, preferred language, literacy level and communication needs.
What is a threshold language?
A “threshold language” is designated when 50+ individuals have reported the same primary language.
What is a cultural group?
A group of diverse individuals who share a core set of beliefs, patterns of behavior, and values. The groups may be large or small and they are identified by their ways of thinking and behaving.
What is the difference between ethnicity and cultural?
Ethnicity is a social group sharing a common origin. Cultural can be defined as belonging to a group that shares traditions, customs, values, a common language, etc.
Is DDS requiring regional centers to do this?
Yes. The Department is requiring regional centers to annually submit a Language Access and Cultural Competency Plan that includes strategies to address each of the following:
- Identification of vital documents and internet website content for translation, as well as points of public contact in need of oral and sign language interpretation services.
- Specialized orientations and group and family information sessions to locally identified linguistic and cultural groups (LGBTQ+, Mixteco, indigenous communities) with ample and publicized question and answer periods, scheduled at times considered most convenient for working families and in consultation with community leaders.
- Regular and periodic community language needs assessments to determine threshold languages for document translation.
- Coordination and streamlining of interpretation and translation
- Implementation of internal and external quality control measures to ensure the availability, accuracy, readability, and cultural appropriateness of translations.