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Living Well In My Community – A Guide to Home and Community Based Service Standards and Person-Centered Practices

Living Well In My Community-English

Living Well in My Community- Spanish

Living Well In My Community-Tagalog

This guide was created to help people with disabilities and service providers better understand the rights and roles for living well in the community.

Part 1 – Explains what the Home and Community-Based Services Rule is and how it can help people with disabilities to live in the community like other people without disabilities.
Part 2 – Resources from Charting the Life Course can be used to create a vision of a good life in the community.
Part 3 – Describes each characteristic of quality home and community-based services with some reflective questions to assess progress and areas for continued development. Examples of some person centered approaches are introduced to help individuals with disabilities and providers move in the direction of a person’s vision of a good life. The person centered approaches described in Living Well In My Community will also be helpful to providers in meeting the home and community-based settings requirements.
Part 4 – Useful tips for working with a planning team to support a vision of a good life through person-centered planning, as well as an array of resources for more information.