Regardless of abilities, individuals may face issues around aging, and it is important for every adult to be prepared for an unexpected injury or serious illness. It is the intent that individuals and their support network find this resource guide valuable. We hope that this guide will help individuals and their support network plan with dignity and respect in regard to supports around aging and personal health care goals.
Get It Done SB is a website and service offered for free to English-speaking community members in South Santa Barbara County. Advance care planning facilitators offer workshops and individual facilitation to assist community members in completing an advance directive, which is a legal document stating personal choices for health care agents and the types of health care individuals would and would not want to receive in the future if they were injured or seriously ill and could not speak for themselves.
Mi Regalo is a website and service offered for free to Spanish-speaking community members in South Santa Barbara County. Spanish-speaking advance care planning facilitators offer workshops and individual facilitation to assist Spanish-speaking community members in completing an advance directive, which is a legal document stating personal choices for health care agents and the types of health care individuals would and would not want to receive in the future if they were injured or seriously ill and could not speak for themselves.
The Coalition for Compassionate Care of California (CCCC) promotes high-quality, compassionate care for all Californians who are seriously ill or approaching the end of life. CCCC is a statewide collaborative of organizations and individuals representing healthcare providers, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, hospices, consumers, state agencies and others.
Compassion and Choices is an end-of-life tool which includes resources. These tools are designed to help someone consider all their options and share their decisions with others. The website includes Advance Healthcare Directive and tools to help one communicate with medical professionals.
Go Wish Cards give you an easy, even entertaining way to talk about what is most important to you. The cards help you find words to talk about what is important if you were to be living a life that may be shortened by serious illness. Playing the game with your relatives or best friends can help you learn how you can best comfort your loved ones when they need you most.
Kaiser Permanente Care at the End of Life allows an individual to select the medical care they want and create their own guide
Living Well utilizes PCT tools with people who have a life limiting illness.
POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) for California includes information and a form to complete.
Thinking Ahead is an end-of-life resource including workbook that provides a way to advocate for what an individual wants in life support treatment and other end-of life choices.
Five Wishes is an advance directive resource that is written in plain language and helps people express their wishes in areas that matter most to them. It also helps someone describe what good care means to them, whether someone has a life limiting illness or not.
Person and Family-Centered Care puts the individual and their support at the heart of every decision and empowering the individual to be genuine partners in their care. It includes a conversation starter kit.
Ariadne Labs and The Conversation Project developed the “What Matters to Me Workbook” to help people with a serious illness get ready to talk to their health care team about what is most important to them.
Coalition for Compassionate Care of California (CCCC) coordinates local coalitions across the state, working to ensure access to high-quality, compassionate care for all Californians. Our local coalitions have established POLST in their communities and continue to provide POLST education to healthcare professionals across the continuum of care, including how to use POLST properly and how to facilitate meaningful POLST conversations with patients and families. These coalitions also educate consumers about POLST and advance care planning and serve as contacts in their community when any issues related to POLST arise.
Cottage Health Advance Care Planning Rebecca Simonitsch, MS, MAEd, CT, CCLS
Advance Care Planning Manager
P.O. Box 689
400 W. Pueblo Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93102
(805) 324-9140
Jeanne M. West
1187 Harbor Hills Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93109
(805) 845-3747
(805) 886-4234 mobile
Hospice of Santa Barbara provides advance care planning and assistance in navigating health care systems and services.
Central Coast Coalition for Compassionate Care
Kris Kington-Barker, Executive Director
Hospice of San Luis Obispo County
1304 Pacific St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 544-2266
(805) 471-1233 mobile
San Luis Obispo County Compassionate Care and POLST Coalition
Kris Kington-Barker
Hospice of San Luis Obispo County
(805) 544-2266
Ventura County Coalition for Compassionate Care
Teri Helton, RN, PHN, MSN, FCN / Primary Contact
Community Outreach Liaison, Livingston Memorial VNA
1996 Eastman Avenue, Suite 101, Ventura, CA 93003
(805) 612-7741
Fr. Calin Tamiian M.A., B.C.C. / Secondary Contact
Manager Spiritual Care, St. John’s Hospitals, A Dignity Health Member
Regional Medical Center, 1600 North Rose Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030
Pleasant Valley Hospital, 2309 Antonia Avenue, Camarillo, CA 93010
(805) 988-2892