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Tri-Counties Regional Center (TCRC) opens a Request for Proposals (RFP) cycle following an extensive needs assessment process in which critical unmet needs have been identified. Individuals and agencies offering an identified service may submit proposals following the instructions provided with the RFP announcement. Proposals are reviewed and one or more in each service category selected to move to the next stage of development. Selected applicants are asked to submit a full program design using guidelines provided by TCRC. These program designs are reviewed by an interdisciplinary team for compliance with applicable regulations and use of best practices. When the program design has been approved, the provider is asked to complete and return TCRC vendorization forms including a cost statement and other documentation such as licenses. The final step is the signing of a payment agreement or contract. Once the process has been completed, the newly vendored provider is assigned a unique vendor identification number and is ready to receive referrals.
Supported Living Services (Service Code 896)
Supported Living Services (SLS) include personal supports and training that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual receiving services to allow him/her to choose and live in his/her own home with support available as often and for as long as it is needed. The intended result of SLS is an increase in an individual’s ability to establish and maintain relationships, make fundamental life decisions, assume membership in the community, and meet daily living needs as independently as possible. Supported Living Services are available to individuals who own or rent their own homes.
Applicants should expect to provide 24-hour services if needed and be willing to serve people who have high behavioral needs and/or significant physical challenges, including people who may be in a wheelchair and need additional assistance.
Social Recreation
Social and recreation programs will provide leisure-time activities designed to promote personal enjoyment, peer interaction, social growth, recreation, and the enhancement of daily living and self-advocacy skills to both children and adults with developmental disabilities. Social recreation programs may be conducted in center-based and/or natural environments.
Because this service can take many forms, we are looking for programs that are innovative and focus on increasing successful opportunities for individuals to be contributing and valued members of their community. It is critical that the service supports making healthy social connections. This can take the form of a formal training with a curriculum, individualized en vivo training in a person’s community, as well as training to support navigating social media.
Social recreation programs can be offered in group or 1:1 ratios but must be structured and aligned with an individual’s IPP objective.
The proposed services should address the needs of either children or adults. If a provider desires to support both of these groups, they must do so with separate proposals.
Due to the fact that this service has been unavailable to our system for over a decade, we are casting a wide net and are encouraging service providers to be innovative in terms of how they propose to address this need.
Coordinated Family Supports (Service Code 076)
Coordinated Family Supports (CFS) providers will coordinate and provide items identified below for adults who reside in the family home. CFS shall be tailored to the unique needs of the individual and their family and provided in a manner that respects their language and culture. It shall be primarily provided in a person’s home. CFS may include, but is not limited to:
CFS shall not replace or duplicate any regional center service coordination, generic service or other regional center funded service that the person receiving services and their family are receiving. CFS may not be provided by an individual who resides in the same home as the person served. At minimum, the need shall be assessed annually, with progress being reported quarterly.
CFS may not be provided to a person who receives services through the Self-Determination program.
Behavioral Day Program (Service Code 532)
This is a creative day program opportunity for people who have moderate to severe maladaptive behaviors that exceed the scope of services provided by a typical day program. The typical candidate for service will be eligible for regional center services and display behavioral issues such as aggression, property destruction, running/wandering away, self-injurious behavior, as well as ingestion of inedible objects. Programs will focus on social skills, safety skills, and will benefit from a tailored and structured program based on individual needs. Community integration will be emphasized as appropriate. Safety focus areas include, but are not limited to, vehicle safety, both in being transported and in traversing traffic in the community as well as maintaining safe boundaries (both social and physical) when engaging fellow community members.
Individuals may be ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Development and implementation of behavioral plans may be required in consultation with qualified specialists such as BCBA, LCSW, or MFT.
Infant Development Program (Service Code 805)
An Infant Development Program is a multi-disciplinary program serving infants and toddlers under the age of three (3) years with a developmental delay in areas of cognitive, physical/motor, communication, social/emotional, and /or adaptive development. Services will include at a minimum the following: Early Interventionists, speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. (Please note that Infant Development Programs shall not include behavior services.)
Information Conferences – participants may choose to attend the information conference. Q&A from the conference will be posted by Thursday, March 6, 2025:
2/27/2025 from 10:30-12:00 pm via Zoom
Phone In: +1 408 638 0968 Meeting ID: 851 5853 0798
Information Conference Q & A:
Proposals Due: No later than midnight on Sunday, 03/30/2025
Award Notification: approximately June 2025