We are pleased to offer the Service Provider Orientation twice a year in Spring and Fall. This orientation provides an overview of requirements applicable to residential and non-residential services and guidelines for an effective program design.
Service Provider Orientation is required for all residential providers and optional for non-residential providers. To satisfy Title 17 regulation, residential providers must complete the 2-day orientation. Non-residential providers and other interested participants are invited to attend the first day only. The cost is $75 for non-residential providers (Day 1), and $150 for residential providers (Day 1 & 2).
There is a supplemental free 2.5 hour orientation offered to administrators of Family Home Agency Residential service providers.
If you are not sure if this training is for you, please contact your local TCRC Resource Development for further information. If you have other questions about the orientation please email Rachel Cassou at rcassou@tri-counties.org
Service Provider Orientation Schedule and Registration