Tax Relief and Extensions, 

Access to Emergency Loan Capital, and Business Webinars

The state and federal government are offering assistance to small businesses and employers impacted by COVID-19, including tax relief, disaster relief loans, and a small business relief grant program that is currently being developed.
Tax Relief and Extensions
Access to Capital
Loan Repayment Extensions
Business Webinars
SCORE Santa Barbara: Keys for Building a Successful Store on Amazon Part 1: Assessment, Implementation, and Store Management
By the end of 2020, Amazon is projected to see its share of the total U.S. e-commerce market reach more than 52.4%, and is responsible for more than five percent of all combined U.S. offline and online sales! In this workshop we will discuss the basics of if and how to setup your own Amazon Store!
December 10 @ 5:00 pm
WEV: Avoiding Common Year-End Accounting Mistakes Using QuickBooks
Do you need help getting ready to close your books for 2020? During this workshop, we will discuss methods that you can use to detect and correct common mistakes on your business financials as you prepare to close your books for the year. Get the support you need to ensure that your records are reconciled and the financial picture of your company is as accurate as possible going into 2021. Please note that we are not CPA’s and the content will be focused on bookkeeping practices only.
December 10 @ 6:00 pm

If you would like to speak to a business advisor to discuss how your business has been impacted by COVID-19, please call the Economic Development Collaborative at 805.409.9159 (ENGLISH) or 805.309.5874 (SPANISH) to schedule an appointment.