Service Descriptions

Descripciones de los Servicios en español

Family Support Services

Family Support Services are provided either in or out of the family home. They help the child or adult with a disability continue to live, and be supported in their family home. These services are intended to support both the person served and the rest of the family in order to prevent or delay unwanted out-of-home placement.


Specific supports consist of:

1)  In-Home Respite is designed to give the family a break from the care of the person served and is provided in the family home.

2)  Out of Home Respite is designed to give the family a break from the care of the person served and is provided outside of the family home, in a licensed facility.

3)  Parent Coordinated Personal Assistant/Personal Assistant supports the person served to be successful in both the home environment and out in the community.

4)  Day Care Supplement may partially offset the fee a family is paying for day care that is needed while a parent is at work. It may be provided when a child’s care needs exceed those of a typical child of their age and the cost of day care is higher based on that additional need


Social Skills

Social skills training may be provided to children entering Junior High and young adults to develop appropriate social interaction skills so they may participate in their home and community. Social skills training is provided individually or in a group format. It addresses significant challenges in engagement and awareness, social interaction, social communication and play skills.


Behavioral Intervention Services

Behavioral intervention services may be provided to address maladaptive, harmful, socially unacceptable, dangerous, or developmentally inappropriate behaviors. They are provided directly by, or under the supervision of, a qualified licensed or certified professional or a person trained in behavior management. Behavior intervention services use specialized methods of teaching important skills and provide training for family members, or primary care givers, in the effective use of positive behavior management skills. TCRC endorses only the use of non-aversive behavior intervention techniques which are evidence-based. The participation of parent(s) of minor children is required.


Independent Living Supports (ILS)

ILS is available for adults that are no longer receiving services from their local education agency and would like help living a more independent life in their community.  ILS can provide individual assessment and training in skills needed for independence such as: money management, accessing public resources such as transportation, grooming and hygiene, and soft skills needed for employment.  ILS can be provided to someone living in the family home or independently, as long as they can benefit from the supports.


Supported Living Services (SLS)

For adults who wish to live independently, Supported Living Services may be an option. They are provided to a person served in his/her own home and community. Services are provided in environments that support participant comfort, independence, preferences and the use of technology.

The person’s choices are incorporated into the services and supports received. The specific services provided to each person served will vary based on the individual, their preferences, abilities, and the community setting chosen. The specific types and mix of supports that an individual receives as well as any special provider qualifications shall be decided by the Planning Team.


Types of help that SLS can provide:

  • • Personal skill development
  • • Access to education
  • • Being part of:
    • • Social activities
    • • Leisure activities
    • • Community activities
    • • Religious/Spiritual activities
    • • The political process
    • • Budgeting
    • • Decision making (managing other services such as IHSS)
    • • Access to routine medical and healthcare services
    • • Assistance following doctor’s orders
    • • Self-advocacy

    It is important to note that payments for Supported Living services do not include the cost of general living expenses such as rent, utilities and food as this is the responsibility of the person served.


    Community Care Facilities

    A CCF is a licensed residential home that provides 24/7, non-medical care and supervision. CCFs offer care that is individually tailored and in the comforts of a typical home in the community.  Community Care Facilities (CCF) are for children and adults served who are not able to, or choose not to, live with their family or independently.


    Housing Access/Modification Supports

    Housing Access Supports is a service that provides assistance to a person served and their family to find housing. These services help people identify and secure affordable, accessible housing.

    Services include help with:

    • • Finding affordable and safe housing options
    • • Making choices with respect to the person’s preferences of locations and types of housing
    • • Identifying the person’s accessibility needs
    • • Home modification for accessibility – support to access funding sources.
    • • Identifying and applying for financial assistance as well as housing subsidies and other benefits.

    The service does not include payment of deposits or other expenses associated with setting up a household.


    Family Home Agency (FHA)

    Licensed by the State Department of Social Services, Family Home Agencies train and certify families to support a person served in their home. The family does not replace the person’s served own family, but ideally becomes an extension of the family system.


    Day Services for Adults

    Day services for adults are structured, comprehensive and provide access to the community for those no longer eligible for public school programs. Program activities help people to define and reach their goals.

    Community-based programs for adults are expected to meet a variety of individual needs. These supports, services and/or programs should include opportunities for persons served to participate in self-advocacy, pre-employment and employment training, community integration and the development of social and self-care skills. The Planning Team will first consider skill development supports and services in natural environments and under realistic conditions. Based on individual needs and preference, some programs are center-based.



    California’s Employment First Policy means that competitive employment in the community can become a real choice for individuals with developmental disabilities. Competitive employment means finding a job within the community where an individual is paid the same as other people doing the same job and at least minimum wage. Some of the employment options that are available are: full or part time employment, self -employment, micro-enterprise, or contract jobs and skilled work. TCRC can provide support for any of these employment options.


    Safety Supports

    Services may include:

    1. Med-alert bracelets – provide needed information to first responders
    2. Life-line services – used to call for help from home, if a phone cannot be reached
    3. Tracking devices – help find a person who is at risk of getting lost
    4. Crisis Support Services – help resolve a crisis situation by phone or in person

    Repairs and maintenance to devices and equipment are the responsibility of the person served or their family.


    Transportation/Travel Training

    Travel training teaches individuals how to safely use specialized or public transportation.

    Sometimes private, specialized transportation will be provided to those individuals who cannot safely access and utilize public transportation services to and from day services.