Transition Before Age 18 Checklist

  • • Discuss the transition process with your planning team and set target dates for decisions
  • • Ensure that your Individual Program Plan (IPP) reflects an evolving vision for adult life
  • • Review the informational brochure by the State Council on Development Disabilities
Legal and Financial 
  • • Update financial status and family estate plans
  • • Establish personal bank account
  • • Consider the financial resources available to you, including public benefits, such as Social Security, SSI/SSP, or Medi-Cal
  • • Investigate Special Needs Trusts
Responsibility and Independence 
  • • Develop community safety & emergency help skills
  • • Develop opportunities to gain away-from-home experience
  • • Look for Special Olympics and inclusion programs available through the local  Parks and Recreation Departments
  • • Learn about educational and transition programs available through your school
  • • Explore post-secondary program options such as Community Colleges and four-year universities as appropriate
Living Arrangements
  • • Work and Volunteering
  • • Research volunteering and community service activities
  • • Obtain work permit for employment before 18
  • • Explore youth employment opportunities
  • • Review the information brochure on the Employment First policy from TCRC
  • • Learn about adult day and vocational services
  • • Assess community mobility skills and develop a plan for transportation options, including public transportation and travel training