Your Appeal Rights
Notice of Action (NOA)
TCRC works hard to come to agreements with people served. Sometimes, we can’t come to an agreement. If this occurs and the regional center makes a decision without your written agreement, you will receive a NOA.
The NOA Must Tell You:
- The regional center’s decision
- The date the decision will happen
- The reason for the decision
- Facts & laws that support the decision
- How to appeal
The NOA Must:
- be in plain language
- be in your preferred language
- provide you a copy of the appeals request form and a copy of your rights
When You Will Get an NOA
30 days before the Regional Center stops or changes your services or ends your eligibility for regional center services.
5 days after the Regional Center denies a service you want or decides you are not eligible for regional center services.
You Can Appeal
If you and the regional center don’t agree you can appeal the decision. There are three parts to the appeal process, you choose the parts of the appeal process you want to use:
Informal Meeting
Informal meeting between you and the regional center.
You and the regional center meet with a mediator who is an impartial person who tries to help you come to an agreement.
Hearing Officer listens to the facts, makes the hearing fair and informal and makes a decision about your appeal.
Your rights at the hearing:
- To provide written documents as evidence
- To have witnesses testify
- To ask the regional center’s witnesses questions
You Have Rights During An Appeal:
- To be provided with an interpreter
- To access your regional center records
- To have help during an appeal
- To request a different mediator or hearing officer
- The regional center can’t use an attorney unless you do
How To Appeal
Send the appeal to the Department of Developmental Services (DDS).
When To Appeal to Keep Current Services
File within 30 days after you got a NOA and before the date it says services end.
All Other Appeals
File within 60 days of getting an NOA.
Where To Get Help
Contact your Service Coordinator or other regional center staff.
The Office of the Ombudsperson at the DDS – The Ombudsperson can be contacted at (877) 658-9731 or Ombudsperson@dds.ca.gov
Your local Clients’ Rights Advocate (CRA) at (805) 308-8950