
Your Clients’ Rights Advocate

If you believe that the regional center has wrongly or unfairly denied your rights, you may file a complaint with the Clients’ Rights Advocate. This process resolves complaints other than disputes about eligibility or the nature, scope, or amount of services—which are resolved by filing for a fair hearing.

In either case, you may contact TCRC’s Clients’ Rights Advocate:

Erica Clark, Clients’ Rights Advocate/Attorney

Gina Gheno, Assistant Clients’ Rights Advocate


Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy
201 N Calle Cesar Chavez Ste. 202 SB, CA 93103
Phone 805-308-8950 Fax 805-308-8949

Find detailed information about complaints and fair hearings, including forms, at the Department of Developmental Services web site: www.dds.ca.gov/Complaints/Home.cfm 

This website includes a phone number for answering applicant questions as required by Assembly Bill 1402.

Learn more at the Disability Rights California website.